急求关于see a doctor 的四人英语对话。稍微长一点的。大学英语口语考试用。

查看11 | 回复1 | 2009-12-4 00:38:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: hey ,doctor smith,I'm not feeling well~DOC: Sorry to hear that ,so ,what's the problem.B:He drank a lot of beer last night.C:And he didn't cover himself with anything.DOC:Oh,let me have a check,come with me.A: oh, I see.B&C:so ,go~DOC: well ,you've caught a cold.Take these medcine three times a day.and ...A:thanks.A&B&C:bye~DOC:Bye~

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千问 | 2009-12-4 00:38:03 | 显示全部楼层
Beginner A: hello! How are you. B: not too well! I’m just to the doctor. I haven’t been feeling too we.. over the last few days. A; what have you got? A cough? A cold? B; that’s the funny thing. I don’t what’s wrong with me. I just feel exhausted. A; perhaps you’ve been working too hard. You do have a high-pressure job. B: maybe. I haven’t been able to keep my food down either. That’s unusual. A; well. I’m sure the doctor will be able to prescribe something to make you well again. Dr. Jameson is very good. B; yes, he is. I’ve make an appointment for 10 o’clock, so I’d better move along. A; OK. Hope you feel better soon. You should take it easy. I’m sure the doctor will prescribe rest, you know. Intermediate A: good morning. What seems to be the problem? B: good morning, doctor. I feel terrible. I’ve god a cold and I have a rash here on my neck. I’m not sleeping well either. What do you think the problem could be? A: I’d say you’ve been working too hard or are under stress for some reason. Have you been taking anything for your cold? B; yes, I bought some medicine at the chemist’s. I’ve been taking it for three days. A: good. I’m going to prescribe something stronger. It will make you feel drowsy, so you certainly should rest. B; OK. I can afford to take a fell days off work. A: have you been working hard recently? B: yes, I have. I had to get a project finished. It’s done now, so I can relax a little. A; good. Let’s take a look at that rash….it looks worse than it is. I’m going to prescribe some ointment for it. If the rash doesn’t clear up in a few days, come back and see me. Do you have any other symptoms? B: I have a bad headache, but… A: don’t worry about that. It’s probably of the stress you’ve been under. Just take some aspirin. Combined with the stronger cough medicine, it will make you feel very tired. You shouldn’t work or use any equipment which requires concentration. If I were you, I’d just sleep, read a book, or watch TV. Here is your prescription. B; thanks doctor. I’ll get these immediately. Goodbye.

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