
查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-6-14 21:53:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Q: Good evening.G: Okay. Why now ready?Q: look at Charlie Chaplin's movies, are interested in along with it?G: Charlie Chaplin? Heard of, but not seen. How like his movies?Q: ah, look fine. Is a silent film, but a good performance, style humor, humor. However, the performance of his movies are small Figures, therefore, is to make people look at tears with a laugh, a sad smile.G: Oh, and Stephen Chow is not the same style? Stephen Chow's film is also a style of witty, humorous, and also is a little And the fate of the story of the struggle. However, I ah, he's super fans.Q: ah, their film is still in some respects very like the.G: Well, I can not afford to miss. Let us look at it.

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千问 | 2009-6-14 21:53:57 | 显示全部楼层
Q:Good evening. 晚上好。G:Good evening. What's up now?好啊。现在准备干嘛?Q:I'm planning to see a Chaplin's film. Wanna go with me? 去看卓别林的电影,有兴趣一起吗?G:Chaplin? I've heard of him but never seen any of his movies. What about them? 卓别林?听说过,但是没看过。他的电影怎么样?Q:Yeah, pretty good. They are silent movies with excellent performance. Interesting and humorous. And all about the ordinary people in the society, which make you laugh with tears in your eyes. 嗯,蛮好看的。是无声电影,但是表演很好,风格诙谐,幽默。但是他的电影表现的都是小人物的,所以,看的让人是含着泪笑,心酸着笑。G:Really. Aren't they belong to the same type of Zhou Xing chi's movies, all about common people struggling with their fate, interesting and humorous. I am really one of the super fans of Mr Zhou's movies.哦,那和周星驰的不就是一样的风格?周星驰的电影也是风格诙谐,幽默,也都是一个小人物和命运斗争的故事。我可是他的super fans啊。Q:Yes. These are the similar features their movies share.嗯,他们的电影在某些方面上还是蛮像的。G:I don't want to miss it. Let's go together. 那我可不能错过。那我们一起去看吧。

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千问 | 2009-6-14 21:53:57 | 显示全部楼层
Q:good evening.G:good evening,what're you going to doQ:i'm going to watch Chaplin's movie,do you have any interesting?G:Chaplin,i have heard about him,but i never watch his movie,what about the movie?Q:i think it's really good,though there's no voice but he acted very well,it's very funny.he always played the lower status,so it's make me sad,laughing with tear.G:i know,is the style like zhou xingchi?zhou's movie is funny too,he acted the person who fight with life.i'm his supper fans.Q:there're lot's of parts similar.G:i can't miss it,let't go together

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千问 | 2009-6-14 21:53:57 | 显示全部楼层
随便翻了一下,基本上就是这样了good evening!hi! what's up?to watch Chaplin's film~ come together?Chaplin? i've heard about it, but haven't seen it yet. how it's going?en, it's great. good performance, facetious, makes people laugh, although it's slience film. it always shows ordinary folks' life, so when people feel like laughing, people also want crying.i get it, isn't it the same style with zhouxingchi? his film also funny, makes people laughing, and describes ordinary people fight against the destiny, too. i AM his super fans!oh ye, theirfilms look the same in some aspects.i just can't miss it. let's go watch together!

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