
查看11 | 回复4 | 2008-2-16 18:26:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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千问 | 2008-2-16 18:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
作为历史悠久的文明古国,丰富的民族传统节日是中国文化不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。每一个节日都有它的历史渊源、美妙传说、独特情趣和深广的群众基础。它们反映了民族的传统习惯、道德风尚和宗教观念,寄托着整个民族的憧憬,是千百年来一代代岁月长途中欢乐的盛会。 我国主要的传统节日有春节、元宵、清明、端午、七夕、中秋、重阳、冬至、腊八等等。 春节是我国最盛大、最热闹的一个古老传统节日。俗称“过年”。按照我国农历,正月初一是“岁之元,月之元,时之元”,是一年的开始。传统的庆祝活动则从除夕一直持续到正月十五元宵节。每到除夕,家家户户阖家欢聚,一起吃年夜饭,称“团年”。其间谈笑风生,其乐融融。然后一起守岁,叙旧话新,互相祝贺鼓励。当新年来临时,爆竹烟花将节日的喜庆气氛推向高潮。我国北方地区在此时有吃饺子的习俗,取“更岁交子”之意。而南方有吃年糕的习惯,象征生活步步高。守岁达旦,喜贴春联,敲锣打鼓,张灯结彩,送旧迎新的活动热闹非凡。另外,各地还有互相登门拜年,舞狮子,耍龙灯,演社火,逛花市,赏灯会等习俗。 As a country with an ancient civilization with a long history, rich national traditional Chinese culture festival is an indispensable and important component. Each festival has its historical origins and the beautiful legend, the unique taste and a deeper mass base. They reflect the national traditions and customs, morality and religious attitudes, entrusted with the nation's vision, generation to generation for thousands of years is a long time in the joy of the event. My main Spring Festival is a traditional festival, the Lantern Festival, Tomb Sweeping Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, Winter Solstice, Laba, and so on. China's Spring Festival is the biggest, most popular of an ancient traditional festivals. Commonly known as the "New Year." According to China's Lunar New Year, the end of the day is the "Year of the yuan, on the yuan, when the yuan" is the beginning of the year. The traditional New Year's Eve celebrations from the 15th day of the first month has been continued until the Lantern Festival. Every New Year's Eve, every household all family members gather to eat dinner together, "the corporation." During eloquent and humorous, happy. Then with detainees, Xujiu new words, encourage mutual congratulations. When the New Year arrives, the fireworks will be festive atmosphere to a climax. China's northern region now have the custom of eating dumplings, taking "more pay-year-old son" was intended. And the South have the habit of eating cakes, symbol of life backgammon. By Dan detainees, Hei paste couplets, Qiaoluodagu, decorated, and the activities of the Dragon send filled with people. In addition, there are around each other, they Betty, and the lion dance, dragon playing, my Social fire, fair-goers, such as Shangding practices.

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千问 | 2008-2-16 18:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
As a country with an ancient civilization with a long history, rich national traditional Chinese culture festival is an indispensable and important component. Each festival has its historical origins and the beautiful legend, the unique taste and a deeper mass base. They reflect the national traditions and customs, morality and religious attitudes, entrusted with the nation's vision, generation to generation for thousands of years is a long time in the joy of the event. My main Spring Festival is a traditional festival, the Lantern Festival, Tomb Sweeping Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, Winter Solstice, Laba, and so on. China's Spring Festival is the biggest, most popular of an ancient traditional festivals. Commonly known as the "New Year." According to China's Lunar New Year, the end of the day is the "Year of the yuan, on the yuan, when the yuan" is the beginning of the year. The traditional New Year's Eve celebrations from the 15th day of the first month has been continued until the Lantern Festival. Every New Year's Eve, every household all family members gather to eat dinner together, "the corporation." During eloquent and humorous, happy. Then with detainees, Xujiu new words, encourage mutual congratulations. When the New Year arrives, the fireworks will be festive atmosphere to a climax. China's northern region now have the custom of eating dumplings, taking "more pay-year-old son" was intended. And the South have the habit of eating cakes, symbol of life backgammon. By Dan detainees, Hei paste couplets, Qiaoluodagu, decorated, and the activities of the Dragon send filled with people. In addition, there are around each other, they Betty, and the lion dance, dragon playing, my Social fire, fair-goers, such as Shangding practices.参考资料:http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=zh|en参考资料:b


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千问 | 2008-2-16 18:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
As a country with an ancient civilization with a long history, rich national traditional Chinese culture festival is an indispensable and important component. Each festival has its historical origins and the beautiful legend, the unique taste and a deeper mass base. They reflect the national traditions and customs, morality and religious attitudes, entrusted with the nation's vision, generation to generation for thousands of years is a long time in the joy of the event.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2008-2-16 18:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
China's Spring Festival is the biggest, most popular of an ancient traditional festivals. Commonly known as the "New Year." According to China's Lunar New Year, the end of the day is the "Year of the yuan, on the yuan, when the yuan" is the beginning of the year. The traditional New Year's Eve celebrations from the 15th day of the first month has been continued until the Lantern Festival. Every New Year's Eve, every household all family members gather to eat dinner together, "the corporation." During eloquent and humorous, happy. Then with detainees, Xujiu new words, encourage mutual congratulations. When the New Year arrives, the fireworks will be festive atmosphere to a climax. China's northern region now have the custom of eating dumplings, taking "more pay-year-old son" was intended. And the South have the habit of eating cakes, symbol of life backgammon. By Dan detainees, Hei paste couplets, Qiaoluodagu, decorated, and the activities of the Dragon send filled with people. In addition, there are around each other, they Betty, and the lion dance, dragon playing, my Social fire, fair-goers, such as Shangding practices.

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