
查看11 | 回复0 | 2010-3-24 18:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
About 4000 years ago, China's Yellow River, Yangtze River valley is home to many clans and tribes. The legendary Yellow Emperor is the most famous of a tribal leader.To the Yellow Emperor as the chief of the tribe, the earliest living in the north-west China's Ji water in the vicinity, and later moved to Zhuolu (today's Hebei Province, Zhuolu, Huailai area), began to develop animal husbandry and agriculture, settle down.At the same time with the Yellow Emperor, another tribal leader called the Yan Emperor, the earliest living in our country near the north-west of ginger water. Family is a close relative with the Yellow Emperor is said. Yandi family gradually decline, while the Yellow Emperor family are booming.At this time, there is a nine-leader named Li Chi You (sound chīyōu), is very tough. Legend Chi You have 81 brothers, they are all beast's body, the amount of copper-iron head, eating the sand, extremely fierce. They also manufacture a wide variety of weapons and knives Ji armbrustschutzen often led his tribe, other tribal invaders.On one occasion, Chiyou occupied a place of Emperor Yan, Yan Emperor revolted against, but he was not Chiyou opponent, was not killing Chiyou suffered a crushing defeat. Yan Emperor can not do anything, fled to the Yellow Emperor Zhuolu request help. Huangdi long want to get rid of this scourge of the tribes, it unified all the various tribes, ready to Sagittarius, in the fields and on Zhuolu Chiyou launched a major battle.With regard to the war, there are many mythical legends. Normally domesticated in the Yellow Emperor is said to bear, brown bear (sound pí), PI (sound pí), Xiu (sound xiū), Chu (sound chū), six kinds of wild animals tiger, in war time, put these beasts of prey was released, assist in the work (some that the legendary beast is actually named after the six animals of the six clans). Chi You's soldiers though ferocious, but encountered the Yellow Emperor's army, together with this group of Tigers Xiongshou, it could not withstand, have fled.Cheng-Sheng Huang Di led the soldiers to kill, when suddenly the days of faint to dark, foggy, wind comes up, thunder and lightning, so that the soldiers could not catch up with the Yellow Emperor. Chiyou originally invited to the "wind bo Amashi" assist in the work. The Yellow Emperor to be outdone, please-day woman to help disperse the wind and rain. Between the moment the wind only the rain stopped, blue skies, finally Chiyou defeated. There is also a legend, saying it was Chiyou using sorcery has created a fog, so that the Yellow Emperor's soldiers lost its way. The Yellow Emperor with "Compass" to guide and lead the soldiers, according to the direction of the Chiyou escape pursuit, the result that Chiyou caught and killed. These myths reflect the war was very intense.The tribes see the Yellow Emperor defeated the Chiyou, all came to happy. Yellow Emperor embraced by many tribes. However, the Yan Emperor Huangdi tribe, and ethnic conflict have taken place, the two sides in the hillside spring (now Zhuolu County, Hebei, south-east) where a battle, defeat Yan Emperor. Since then, the Yellow Emperor became the head of the Central Plains region of the tribal alliance.The era of the legendary Yellow Emperor, there are many inventions, such as built palace, repairer, shipbuilding, production of colored clothes, etc., which of course would not be an invented, but later people put it on the accounts of the Yellow Emperor .Legend of the Yellow Emperor had a wife named bind (sound léi) ancestors, and personally engage in labor. Originally, only the wild silkworm, people do not know the usefulness of silkworm, bind ancestors taught women to sericulture, silk reeling, weaving silk. Play then, have a silk and silk in.There is also a historian Yellow Emperor Cang Jie (sound cāng jié), created the ancient text. We have not seen the text of that period, but also could not be investigated by.Ancient Chinese legend of the Yellow Emperor are very respected, and their offspring who think that the Yellow Emperor is the Huaxia's ancestor, they are descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Because the Yan Emperor Huangdi tribe and the tribe was originally a close relative, and later together, so we often call themselves people of Chinese descent. To commemorate the legendary common ancestor, descendants were still in the north of the bridge is now Huangling County, Shaanxi hill built a "tomb."

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