
查看11 | 回复0 | 2010-4-14 21:02:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.I’m usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today’s children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago.Why are America’s kids so stressed? The report cites two main causes: increasing physical isolation—brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things—and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.Given that we can’t turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation cope.At the top of the list is nurturinga better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. Strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and they will get more sleep.Limit the amount of virtualviolence your children are exposed to. It’s not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life.通道之一 问题21至25是基于以下的通过。 我通常相当怀疑的任何研究得出结论认为,人是不是更快乐或不快乐或或多或少自己一定比50年前。虽然这些声明,可能是真实的,他们几乎无法证明科学性。不过,我感到震惊的一个报告,认为现在的孩子明显比20世纪50年代的儿童焦虑。事实上,分析显示,正常的9至17岁儿童表现出的焦虑水平高于谁是50年以前精神病治疗小儿今天。 为什么美国的孩子压力太大?该报告引用了两个主要的原因:增加物理隔离,所带来的高离婚率和低社会参与有关工作,并日益认识,认为世界是一个更加危险的地方。 既然我们不能倒流,成年人仍然可以做很多帮助下一代应付。 在列表的顶部是培育一对个人主义的局限更深入的了解。没有一个孩子是孤岛。加强社会关系有助于建立社区和个人免受压力。 为了帮助孩子与他人建立更强的联系,你可以在电视上拉和电脑的插头。你的家人会感谢你。他们将有更多的面对面的关系时,他们将获得更多的睡眠。 限制数量的虚拟 暴力你的孩子有机会接触。这不只是视频游戏和电影,孩子们看到的本地新闻很多谋杀和犯罪。 让您的孩子的期望是合理的。许多非常成功的人从来没有参加哈佛或耶鲁。 请行使你的日常例行工作的一部分。这将帮助你应付自己的忧虑,并为您的孩子好榜样。有时,焦虑是不可避免的。但它并没有破坏你的生活。

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