
查看11 | 回复0 | 2008-3-26 20:25:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2008, southern region in China like Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and other places has encountered frozen snowstorm disaster rare in history. The snowstorm spread to 14 provinces and cities in China, nearly 100 million people population suffering the snowstorm with more than 100 billion yuan direct economic losses. The snow crushed housing, damaged electrical towers, poles, broke the water pipes, electricity and water disaster areas, and countless people were affected by the siege of snow, cold and hunger are threatening their fragile lives. Snowstorm without feeling, but we have. Tianjin Zhong’Ao Technology Group issued on February 18, started a relief activity- "heart connects to the disaster area, and affection warms the world" contributions to the disaster. Tianjin Zhong’Ao Group headquarters and production base, Tianjin Kangyun Feed Co., Ltd., Shandong Province North farming Corporation, Tianjin Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. have replied the call, and eagerly donated money and materials. As of February 25, the group collected donations, a total of 10,000 yuan. Zhong’AO Technology Group will be raised to the full extent to the Red Cross for disaster areas of the reconstruction work. Our group will respond to China animal health products Association, stepping up a number of drugs, free dedicated to the disaster areas to the farmers, to promote disaster livestock production resumed as soon as possible to prevent a greater animal disease epidemic, animal protection effective product supply and price stability. With their own development at the same time, Tianjin Zhong’AO Technology Group has been taking part in public welfare undertakings as corporate social responsibility shouldered by one. Indonesia tsunami occurred in 2005, Tianjin Zhong’AO biotechnology Limited displayed an internationalist spirit, organization staff contributions to the affected areas. In 2006, we also participated in the "Hand-in-Hand Back Hanmen students" organized by Tianjin Daily in Jixian Department of Education and City Express, under the leadership of our mission to free the poor mountain in Jixian condolences to the local kids, and would love to raise donations and school supplies to their side. Today, Chairman Chen and general manager-Chen Long advocated by the charity, helping the poor and needy, We should help each other to pull through. Our humanistic ideas have stretched into the minds of every employee. Disaster will eventually pass, and we will continue to love……

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