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(转)a capital go[口]妙极了, 太好了a pretty go[口]难办的事; 怪事all the go[美]非常流行, 风行一时as far as it goes就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论so far as it goes就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论as ... go从通常情况来说, 就...而论at one go一口气in one go一口气be full of go精力充沛be on the go在活动, 在忙碌; 准备离开; 有醉意; 衰败, 濒于死亡call it a go就这样决定, 一言为定could go巴不得吃(或喝)fair go公平对待, 机会均等; 公道的比赛from the word go[美口]从一开头; 始终, 完全, 彻头彻尾get sb. going[美俚]使某人发怒[激动]Here goes!瞧, 开始了!How goes it?[口]近况如何?leave go of松[放]开let go松手, 放开释放解雇放弃; 忘记随它去吧let go with尽情地说[叫喊等]let oneself go发脾气; 尽情地谈make a go of it[美]使获得成功, 干好near go[口]差点儿送命no go[口]不行, 办不到; 不成功on the go[口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身衰败有醉意upon the go[口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身衰败有醉意quite the go非常流行There you go again.你这一套又来了。Where do we go from here?下一步该怎么办?Where do we go from there?下一步该怎么办?You may go farther and fare worse.[谚]往前走情形可能更坏(劝人适可而止)。go about走来走去, 四处走动着手或忙于(工作)(谣言等)流传转身[向](与...)来往密切go after追求, 设法得到; 追捕go against反对, 违背, 不利于go ahead先走, 走在前面; 继续前进进步[展]; 成功干吧, 说吧, 开始干go all out全力以赴, 鼓足干劲go along前进go along with陪伴赞成, 同意Go along with you![口]去你的!go and[口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go and do sth.[口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go around[美]=goroundgo astray迷途go at攻击; 冲向精力充沛地开始工作go away离去, 带走, 拐逃(with)go back回去追溯到(to), 回顾走下坡路go back of[美口]调查, 研究go back on违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back from违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back upon违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go before走在前面; 居先go behind调查, 摸底亏本进一步斟酌go between作中间人, 调停go beyond超出[过]go by走过, 过去遵照, 依循, 以...为根据称为, 名叫受...所控制[美]顺道访问go down下去, 降下(船)沉没, (飞机)坠落, (日、月)落下, (价格)下跌(风、海浪)平息吞下, 接受受欢迎[赞许](with)被记下[载入](in)延续到(to)倒下, 垮台, 破产(英牛津与剑桥两大学用语)退学, 离校go easy[口]慢慢来, 从容不迫go easy with节省..., 爱惜...对...从宽处理, 小心处置...go far价值大, 效力大; 成功, 大有前途go far toward(s)大大有助于go for去拿[喊, 找, 请], 尽力得到拥护, 支持, 赞助被认为; 适用于[口]猛烈攻击, 袭击,【戏】批评go for much被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go for nothing被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go forth出发发布[表], 宣布go forward前进发生go hard with sb.使某人为难go home回家击中, 命中腐败, 用坏go home to打动(某人的心)使...理解go in进入, 放得进参加, 参加比赛; (纸牌赌博中)开价(日、月、星辰等)被云遮盖(钱)用于(板球戏等)开始一局比赛被理解go in at[口]痛打, 猛烈攻击go in for从事于爱好, 追求, 沉迷于参加, 加入主张, 赞成, 支持go in with参加, 加入; 入股, 联合Going! Going! Gone!(拍卖时用语)要卖了!要卖了!卖掉了!go into进[加, 参, 纳]入, 通向考虑, 研究讨论, 详细阐述从事, 参加(某一行业)调查, 查究穿着变为, 进入...状态; 发作go it拼命干, 莽撞放荡; 挥霍go it alone单干go off离去, 走掉,【戏】(角色)下、退场经过, 进行得爆炸; (枪、爆竹)响起; (话等)突然冒出(电流等)停掉, 消失; 死(货物)销售; 售出(食物等)变坏睡着, 昏过去[口](女儿)出嫁; 渐渐忘怀, 变得淡薄对...失掉兴趣go off with拿[抢, 拐]走, 同(某人)私奔go on往前走, 继续下去(with, doing); 日子过得(well, badly)发生, 进行, 进展[行](情况)接着做某事(go to do sth.); [口]接近升学; 穿[戴]进(时间)过去; 消逝(运动员, 演员)上场, 登台责骂(at)受救济[支持, 资助]依据(板球)投球Go on![口]接下去! [反]别胡说啦!go on about唠唠叨叨地谈...go on for接[将]近(...岁)(常用 -ing形式)go out出去[国]; (妇女)离家工作辞职; 退职; 下台(灯, 炉火)熄灭不再流行; (衣服样式等)过时参加社交活动, 交际出版(时间)过去罢工[美]垮下, 倒塌[美]参加?? (心)向往(to)失去知觉; 入睡对...充满同情go over越[渡]过; 走完; 转向(to); 改变立场; 车(翻倒)复习; (仔细)检查; 审阅; 研究[美]受欢迎; 成功(提案等)延期讨论goround四处走动; 绕道走顺便或非正式去拜访(消息等)流传够用, 够分配(带子)长得够绕一圈go slow慢慢走; 怠工go so far as (to do)竟然到(做...)的地步go some[美口]做[得]了不少; (事情、工作等)迅速地、顺利地、有成效地进行go somewhere[口](大、?愕奈?裼?出去一下, 出去有点事go steady (with)[美口](同异性交朋友, 婚前)经常约会外出go straight笔直地走老老实实地做人; 改过自新go swimmingly进行顺利, 获得成功go through通过(考试等); 经过审阅; 检查经历(困难、痛苦等), 忍受做完(工作); 耗尽举[履]行; 参加(提案等)被通过; 被接纳[认可](书)销售突破(第...版)(生意等)成交修毕(课程等); 参加(考试等)go through with完成(工作计划等); 实现, 贯彻(诺言等)Go to![古]去你的! 等一等!go to总共相当[有助]于; 促成付出求助于, 诉诸(法律等)go to it加油干, 努力干; 干起来go together陪同; 相配[口]经常作伴; 形影不离; 恋爱go too far过火, 走极端go under沉没; 没落, 破产; 失败; 屈服; [美俚]死被称为...; 装扮成...go up上升; 攀登; 增长被烧[炸]毁, [美]破产; 死, [美]失败[英]上大学, 上城市去go upon据...来判断(行动)着手go with陪...同行, 同...一致[协调]; 同...谈恋爱带有领会, 了解go without没有...也忍受过去gone on sb.

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go about To set about to do; undertake: Go about your chores in a responsible way. go along To cooperate: They get along by going along. go around To satisfy a demand or requirement: just enough food to go around. To go here and there; move from place to place. To have currency: rumors going around. go at To attack, especially with energy. To approach; undertake: He went at the job with a lot of energy. go by To elapse; pass: as time goes by. To pay a short visit: My parents were away when we went by last week. go down To drop below the horizon; set: The sun went down. To fall to the ground: The helicopter went down in a ball of fire. To sink: The torpedoed battleship went down. To experience defeat or ruin. To be accepted or tolerated: How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned? To come to be remembered in posterity: a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign. To admit of easy swallowing: a cough syrup that goes down readily. To decrease in cost or value. Chiefly British To leave a university. Slang To occur; happen: "a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days" (James Atlas). To be accepted or tolerated: How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned? To come to be remembered in posterity: a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign. Vulgar Slang To perform fellatio or cunnilingus. go for Informal To have a special liking for: I really go for progressive jazz. To attack: an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments. To pass for or serve as: a couch that also goes for a bed. go in To take part in a cooperative venture: went in with the others to buy a present. To make an approach, as before an attack: Troops went in at dawn. go into To discuss or investigate: The book goes into classical mythology. To undertake as a profession or course of study: She's going into medicine. go off To undergo detonation; explode. To make a noise; sound: The siren went off at noon. To leave: Don't go off mad. Informal To adhere to the expected course of events or the expected plan: The project went off smoothly. go on To take place; happen: didn't know what was going on. To continue: Life must go on. To keep on doing (something): Don't go on talking. To proceed: She went on to become a senator. Informal To talk volubly: My, you do go on. go out To become extinguished. To go outdoors; leave one's residence: He went out at seven. To take part in social life outside the home: goes out a lot. To become unfashionable: High boots went out last year. To undergo structural collapse: The bridge went out. go over To gain acceptance or approval: a new style that didn't go over. To examine or review: go over the test scores. go through To examine carefully: went through the students' papers. To experience: We went through hell while working on this project. To perform: I went through the sonata in 30 minutes. go under To suffer defeat or destruction; fail. To lose consciousness. go up To increase in price or value. To be in the process of construction: Office buildings went up all over town. Chiefly British To go to a university. go with To date (someone) regularly. To select or choose: decided to go with the pink wallpaper.

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