
查看11 | 回复3 | 2010-4-12 19:31:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear Game Mater:I have tried a lot to find out the regist information which i first time to use to creat the account. Trying to use this email to recover my lost account is the unquie thing i can do right now. i really would like to get it back case it did steal by someone, also i think the equipment which in the game have been tranferred. It is become complex due to i didn't creat security answers.The information which i can provide, as follows:Date of regration: 12/22/09 (楼主注意,如果是英联邦国家,请用22/12/09)Recovery email: [email protected] address: most of time, i enter the game from this ip address. The original passwordis wlz65029. When my equipment have been stolen, the user cannot be use that IP address.Some other issues which related to my account:Name and level I have 5200k and some stuff in the bank.King regards,你的姓名LZ我可不是用翻译软件给你翻的。。。。。。你发邮件的时候按照这个格式就行了

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千问 | 2010-4-12 19:31:20 | 显示全部楼层
Dear game masterI tried a lot but I still can not find out my information supported when registered this game account. Now , I can only try to use this Email addess to get back my account. I really want to get back my account, I am sure it has been stolen. I think all the items were already been taken away.It is because of the lost information makes it complicated.All I can do now is supporting details of my account:when registerd: 2009-12-22Email address of my account: [email protected] address I used to log on game: ( I used this IP address most often, my oringinal account is wlz165029,I am sure somebody used another ip log on the game and changed my password)Name and Level of my character in the game: XXXXXXXXXXX, I have 5,200,000 game currency and other itmes in the bank. Any of your help will be appreciated 希望能帮到你,祝好运

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千问 | 2010-4-12 19:31:20 | 显示全部楼层
I have tried a lot

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-4-12 19:31:20 | 显示全部楼层
Hi there,I'm writing to ask about my game account which I'm trying to get it back.I've tried numerous ways, but just can't recall the files of registering the account. Now what I can only do is trying to get back my account using this email address. I'm really keen to get my account back, because it was in fact stole my someone else. I have a feeling that the some items of the game have already been stolen.Only that I didn't fill in Password Hint Questions for the password, which makes the situation complicated.The followings are all the details I can provide for the account:Date of registration: 22 Dec, 2009Registration email: [email protected] (which is the one I'm using now)Log on IP: (I use this IP to log on most of the times. My original password for the game account was: wlz165029. However, when the items in my account were stolen, it is not necessarily the same Ip address as other issues relating to my game account: The name of my game character and grade: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXI have 5200K and some other items in the bank.

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