
查看11 | 回复4 | 2010-4-14 12:44:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I feel very lonely, when I'm alone when I first thought is you. I wish you to stay at my side.Repeat the last day after day, this is sad. I looked in the mirror, a beard and fluffy hair, I was so negative.A neighbor's wife died because of disease yesterday so I'm shocked to learn that life is so fragile, we should cherish!

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千问 | 2010-4-14 12:44:47 | 显示全部楼层
My life should not be like that"Here I feel very lonely, lonely times when I first thought was you. I wish you could stay by my side.Day after day, repeating what happened yesterday, how sad it is. I looked in the mirror himself, his face a beard and fluffy hair, seems I was so negative.One neighbor's wife passed away yesterday due to illness so I was shocked, turns out that life is so fragile, we should cherish the people around

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千问 | 2010-4-14 12:44:47 | 显示全部楼层
My life shouldn't be like thisI feel lonely here.You are the first one I think of when I am alone.How much do I wish you could be with me.Life stays the same day after day,how sad is this.Look at myself in the mirror,with the whiskers all over my face and messy hairs,I look so passive.A neighor's wife passed away because of disease yesterday,which shocked me so much,it turns out that life is so fragile,I realise we should cherish the people around

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千问 | 2010-4-14 12:44:47 | 显示全部楼层
My life shouldn't be like thisI feel very lonely here. When I am lonely, you are the first one I think of. How I hope you can stay beside me. Day after day I repeat doing what I have done yesterday. This is so pathetic. I look at myself in the mirror, with beard unshaved and with hair uncombed. It looks that I am so passive. It is a shock for me that the wife of one of my neighbors died of illness. Life is so fragile that we should cherish those around us.

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千问 | 2010-4-14 12:44:47 | 显示全部楼层
My Life should be Different
I'm feeling lonely now.Whenever I am lonely,you're the first one whom I think about.How I wish you could stay with me.
It's such a pity to repeat day by day.I look at myself in the mirror,just finding my face full of mustache and my loose hair,whichh makes me so passive.
Yesterday the wife of my neighbour died, which makes me so shocked. Life is so vulnerable and we should value people around us so much!

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