
查看11 | 回复1 | 2008-4-2 12:38:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我给你翻译,你自己回答,因为题目太多了,呵呵~!六, 逐一填写空白"应该(不) " ,并给出了动词,它的正确形式: 1.as一名护士,你( ) ( BE )的非常耐心,你的病人。 2 。 ( ) ,她( ) (采取行动)的工作呢? -是的,她的。 3.he ( ) (见)的一名医生对他的头痛,在一个多星期前。 4.she是如此不愉快。你( ) (伤害) ,她的感受。 5.that府也不是很old.it ( ) (击倒) 。 6.if他们已开始在七,他们( ) (获得) ,由现在。 7.there ( ) ( BE )的越来越多的医院在这样一个人口稠密(人口稠密的) 。 8.i觉得东西( ) (做)的有关情况。 七, 完成下列句子,以"可以(不) +页" : 1.mary ( ) (本来可以买件大衣) ,但她选择借给钱交给一个有需要的邻居。 2.if它没有得到您的帮助下,我们( ) (不可能在这么短的时间里就在实验上取得成功) 。 3.you ( ) (本来可以制订)更详细(详细的)计划。 4.i ( ) (本来可以借你) money.why没有你问我? 5.her丈夫( ) (本来可以帮助她的) ,但他没有选择。 八, 重写如下判决后,该型号: 型号:肯定是你说的是真的。 你说的,必须是真的。 我想我的父亲是伤害。 我的父亲必须是被伤害。 1.i认为衣服被洗mary.the的小女孩,是一个相当有利于她的母亲,你知道。 2.surely他至少30岁。 3.alice期待苍白yesterday.i猜想她是一个病人。 4.surely他们厌倦了。他们已工作了一整天。 5.i觉得考试是很困难的,因为这些学生都不通过。

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千问 | 2008-4-2 12:38:35 | 显示全部楼层
六、 Fill in each blank with “ought (not) to” and the given verb in its proper form: 1.As a nurse, you( ought to be )very patient with your patients. 2.( Ought )she(not to take up )(take up) that job? — Yes,she ought to. 3.He(ought to see )(see) a doctor about his headache a week ago. 4.She was so unhappy. You(ought not to ) (hurt) her feelings. 5.That house was not very old.It(ought to be knocked down )(knock down). 6.If they had started at 7,they (ought to have got)(get) there by now. 7.There ( ought to be)(be) more hospitals in such a densely populated(人口稠密的) area. 8.I think something (ought to do )(do)about it. 七、 Complete the following sentences, using “could(not) have+p.p.”: 1.Mary(could have bought a coat)(本来可以买件大衣),but she chose to lend the money to a needy neighbour. 2.If it hadn’t been for your help, we(couldn't have succeeded in the experiment in such a short time )(不可能在这么短的时间里就在实验上取得成功)。 3.You( could have made up )(本来可以制订) a more detailed(详细的)plan. 4.I(could have lent you)(本来可以借你) the money.Why didn’t you ask me? 5.Her husband(could have helped her)(本来可以帮助她的),but he did not choose to. 八、 Rewrite the following sentences after the models: Models: Surely what you said is true. What you said must be true. I think my father was hurt. My father must have been hurt. 1.I think the clothes were washed by Mary.The little girl is quite a help to her mother,you know. The clothes must have been washed by Mary. ...2.Surely he is at least thirty years old. He must be more than thirty years old. 3.Alice looked pale yesterday.I suppose she was ill. Alice looked pale yesterday. She must be ill4.Surely they are tired. They have been working the whole day.They must be tired. They have been working the whole day.5.I think the examination was very difficult since none of the students passed. The examination must be very difficult since none of the students passed.

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