
查看11 | 回复3 | 2008-4-10 01:18:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1)He is worried that she is suffering too much there, and worrying that she may not stand such an attack. 2)The ambassador has made an appointment with him that he will go to apply for a new visa on 21st. He's not sure whether can get the visa or not at the moment.3)He will only call her when he is so worried about her, but he doesn't call her every day. He will try to call he less later on.

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千问 | 2008-4-10 01:18:02 | 显示全部楼层
he is worried about that she will have more burden there ,he is afraid of she can't take the strike.ambassador had already say it right with him,and he will go for the abid of the new certification on 21th this month.it is not sure that whether he can get the certification.he calls her only when he is very worried about her ,not everyday.he will try to call her less.

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千问 | 2008-4-10 01:18:02 | 显示全部楼层
1, He worried about her suffering at that place, worried about that she could not afford such strike.2, The ambassador has made an appointment with him that he will come at 21st to talk about applying new visa. He's not sure whether can get the visa or not.3, He would only call her when he is so worried about her but not everyday. He will try to call less henceforward.

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千问 | 2008-4-10 01:18:02 | 显示全部楼层
1.)He is worried about what she had suffered probably too much that she couldn't bear such a big blow.2.)The Ambassador has made an appointment with him on the 21st to deal with the application for a new visa,but the application still remain uncertain right now.3.)He only phone whenever he's worried about her,but not everyday.He will try to limit his call in the future.

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