
查看11 | 回复2 | 2008-4-19 13:12:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Garfield The Movie Script I hate mondays Pookey, cover me. I'm going in. Sleeping beauty, wake up You can stop dreaming about me, because I'm here now Just wake up You've got work to do. You're not just my owner... ...you're my primary care giver Not now, Garfield Alright, cut the sweet... easy now. Trying to cuddle with me, huh? Trying to avoid your duties, huh? Well that just ain't gonna fly! See, I'm doing my exercise, doing my job. Just one quick CANNONBALL - Good morning - Garfield! OK, I think you're clean enough now. Got your towel right here. No, Garfield! It's liver flavoured. MMM Delicious. Ugh, Liver! Actually, it's liver 'flavoured'. That was good breakfast. Now I think I'll fall off the Catkins diet and get myself a little high fat chaser. Garfield, look, the milk truck! Oh, thatta boy Nermal. The milk truck comes every day. Maybe not today. Maybe it's changing routes? Maybe this will be the last we'll ever see of him? We're cats,we like milk. Let's go for it. - No. - But... But nothing. I don't leave the cul-de-sac for anything. Out there it's a hornet's nest of trouble. Bad things happen out there, so I don't go out there. Besides,I've found, if you wait long enough. Everything comes to you. Here come the milk man. Here come the milk man. Hey, Nermal. Let's play Astronaut again today. - Yeah? - Yeah, I love that game - You're such a brave little Astronaut - Alright Prepare to jump into your spaceship, Commander Nermal. Whoa, whoa! What about the milk? Who needs milk when you can be in outer space? - We've got a secret mission today. - Yeah? You'll be exploring the Milky Way. I get the chills when you jump in your little spacecraft. The nation thanks you. Prepare to blast off! Three, two, one! Bon Voyage! Look at me go! Don't look down! - Come to papa, baby - I can see everything up here I can see my house! Got Milk? I can see the whole neighbourhood! Well that's nice. That's very nice. Hey, another milk truck! Ooh, and that is even nicer. I can see a whole...... Mission accomplished, Nermal Whoa, Garfield. Do it again! Where did everybody go? You're on the wrong side of the street, Fat Cat... beat it! And you Luca are on the wrong side of the evolutionary curve. Ok, that's it. You're gonna get it good today. I make a point to get it good every day. The real question is, Luca: How shall I outwit you this time? - With simple maths? - I know how to spell. - Or shall I distract you with something shiny? - Now you're making fun of me. I hope so, you're no fun to look at. You'll never get the best of me.... I think I just did. Not the ducks again. Jump back! and kiss my skin. If I ever get off this chain, you're going down.

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千问 | 2008-4-19 13:12:11 | 显示全部楼层

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