
查看11 | 回复0 | 2008-4-17 18:32:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Got it, 我马上来翻译,wait me for a second. 请注意ryjily的答案,这个家伙就会在线翻译! Multinational merger and acquisition is one of the options for the enterprise extends its international market and carries out the internationalized operation strategy. This paper will discuss the multinational merger and acquisition of Chinese enterprises, basing on these enterprises’ own development needs. Many analysis methods, such as; comparative analysis and empirical analysis and so on, are applied in the paper to research how the multinational merger influences on our local enterprises, and summing up with some strategies our local enterprises can apply by facing up the multinational merger and acquisition situation. Furthermore, this paper completely stated the appropriated economic issue on Chinese enterprises’ development. Therefore, these parts make this paper has certain purpose theoretically and practically. 谢谢等待,我觉得我答案是不错的,我自己根据意思翻译的,我是学business studies的,毕业于英国Liverpool Univ. 回答者: discodiva - 魔法师 四级 4-15 10:58 提问者对于答案的评价:谢谢你的翻译,以及后来对我另一个问题的解答!送上我答应的50分!您觉得最佳答案好不好? 目前有 2 个人评价 100% (2) 0% (0) 相关问题 ? 我,大一学生学习计算机科学与技术,朋友都说女孩再这... ? 英语在国贸中的应用 ? 咨询一下~德国留学相关问题~我大3 英语国贸专业 ? 英语、国贸专业是否可评助理工程师 ? 英语专业国贸二专就业与BEC 其他回答 共 3 条 Transnational mergers and acquisitions business to the international market, the implementation of the international business strategy of a selective manner. This article is from their own point of view of the requirements for the development of Chinese enterprises, transnational mergers and acquisitions were discussed. Take a comparative analysis, empirical analysis of international research of corporate mergers and acquisitions on the impact of China's enterprises, summed up China's enterprises to cross-border M & countermeasures, this will be appropriate for the survival and development of enterprises in China's economic problems on complete account to a certain extent Theoretical and practical significance. 回答者: wlhx_0809 - 江湖新秀 五级 4-15 10:51 都是我自己翻译的,没有用机器,但是有查字典,呵呵...你看看合适不,我自己觉得还行! The multinational Merger and Acquisition is a way that enterprises can turn into the international market and Implement thier International Management Strategy.this article mainly investigate the Chinese entersprises's multinational merger and acquistion based on their own development demands.This article will exame the influences to the enterprises in our country from the international merger and acquisition by the method of the comparative analysis and the method of the empirical anlysis and so on,summarizing the countermeasure for dealing with the multinaional merger and acquistion in our country.It have a great theoretical and practical significance in completely describing the economic problems in reference to the development of the enterprise in our country. 回答者: Easyoung - 魔法师 四级 4-15 10:57 Merger and Acquisition is a way out for enterprises to drive into international market and actualize the strategy of managing internationalization... In this article,I intended to discuss for merger and acquisition of Chinese enterprises in the view point of seeking development,and I adopted such as Comparative Analyse,Demonstrative Analyse and so on,to search the influences from international merger and acquisition.finally,I made a conclusion and find out a countermeasure to handle M.A..on the other hand,it exists theoretic practical significance in the complete description of Chinese enterprises seeking subsistence and development~~~ 好了,参考一下吧~~忽~

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