
查看11 | 回复1 | 2008-5-3 18:03:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Using java language multi-threaded Web server, relying mainly on the java built-in multi-threaded support and java language in the advantages of network applications. Multithreading means that the Web server can also be parallel or multiple computers access to a computer at the same time sent a number of response to news, but only the existence of a main thread used to monitor wish to create a connection client. In addition to multi-threaded Web server to allow multiple concurrent access, but also a timely response. Therefore the main task of completing the two-step ① used simply to show that the HTTP request to receive messages; ② add the appropriate response code. Finally basic reached the desired goal, can achieve a return to the picture and text-only multi-threaded Web server.

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千问 | 2008-5-3 18:03:17 | 显示全部楼层
授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。建议你使用google翻译:结果如下:Using java language multi-threaded Web server, relying mainly on the java built-in multi-threaded support and java language in the advantages of network applications. Multithreading means that the Web server can also be parallel or multiple computers access to a computer at the same time sent a number of response to news, but only the existence of a main thread used to monitor wish to create a connection client. In addition to multi-threaded Web server to allow multiple concurrent access, but also a timely response. Therefore the main task of completing the two-step ① used simply to show that the HTTP request to receive messages; ② add the appropriate response code. Finally basic reached the desired goal, can achieve a return to the picture and text-only multi-threaded Web server.参考资料:http://translate.google.com/translate_t


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