
查看11 | 回复0 | 2008-5-5 22:15:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The retailing channel management is the market hard currency important component. Enters the market as the enterprise, to realize the value retailing decision-making and the management, in recent years has initiated the business community and academic circle's widespread practice and the thorough exploration, in the strategy and the strategic stratification plane deepens unceasingly. regarding the channel conflict question, the channel superintendent already do not have the stop conflict fantasy, also cannot despise the conflict is the disasters, has the fear to the conflict, may not treat the conflict negatively the question, to occurs looks but not see in the channel member's conflict phenomenon, causes delay the conflict resolution good opportunity. The channel superintendent should face up to the conflict the rationality which exists as the channel cooperation's sideline product, completes the conflict positively the supervisory work, the prevention and the melt channel conflict, guarantees the channel healthily, the highly effective operation. the retailing channel becomes in the enterprise market marketing more and more important, but retails in channel's conflict question is actually many enterprises carries on the key point which and the difficulty the channel manages, this article elaborated the retailing channel conflict's concept as well as the recognition methods, and have analyzed the reason which the channel conflict produces, proposed the enterprise controls the channel conflict the measure, finally lifts the example analysis channel conflict. retailing channel conflict management penetration and entire channel management process. From channel's strategic planning, the organizational structure design to the channel resources disposition and the operation management, manifests the channel conflict management thought and carries out the related conflict management measure. The effective channel conflict management must be obtains from the channel strategy plan, performs in the organizational structure design to manifest, obtains the channel conflict management process which and the system in the channel resources deployment and the operational guidance carries out and carries out.

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