
查看12 | 回复12 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位筒子,大概5月10号吧我在eBay上晃的时候发现一双搞“bid”的鞋子,我就按要求的最低价"place bid",由于只有我一个人投标,所以最后我5月12日付款买了鞋子,买的时候eBay显示delivery的时间大概在5月17号左右。
  5月13号我收到卖家的message," I wanted to let you know that I am unexpectedly out of town and will mail your package on Friday when I return. ",
  一下变成了5月17号才开始发货。我想卖家卖的东西不多,所以不想单独为一双鞋子跑一趟,虽然她在鞋子的页面上根本就没写她这个拍了东西后只能星期五发货,我也表示理解。只是因为她的鞋子是"new without box",所以我回复希望她能在发货的时候找个盒子把鞋子装一下,免得运输过程中被压扁了。
  于是我开始了耐心的等待。到她说好的5月17日周五发货的时候,我跑去追踪那双鞋的快递信息,没有。我想或许她当天发货还没来得及录入,所以我就等到18号,可是18号还是没有,18号下午4点多我给她发了条message"you told me you would send the shoes to me yesterday,please tell me the tracking number. if you haven't send it out until now ,please refund !"
  等到5月20日晚上,在没有任何回复的情况下在eBay开了个Case,申请退款。她21号退款给我,但还附了一段话“You see, I don't take orders from your kind. When I received your rude venomous directive I knew I would not sell to you. You're new to Ebay and you need to learn to be polite if you expect to stay on Ebay.”


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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
我当时真是郁闷啊,我不知道这个卖家是咋回事,于是我回复:I'm surprised that you refuse the shipment because you said that I gave you a rude instruction, I can only say that you look too sensitive and too vulnerability. I am a new buyer at eBay, but not mean I am a beginner at online shopping. I bought about 500 stuff and got 100% of positive evaluation as a buyer at Taobao in China. I paid the shoes at 12th May, you told me you would send it out after a week, although the eBay showed me the 17th May was the approximately delivered day. You delay so long time before shipment and you didn’t illustrate this on the webpage of the shoes, but I hadn’t complain about it. Just only because your shoes without box I hope you can find a box for shipment to avoid it would been squashed at the transportation process. I wait the shoes to 21st May without any reply from you, so I apply for a refund at eBay then you say that I gave you "rude" instructions so you refuse to sell the shoes to me. I really want to take our disagreement to eBay or some forums and let them give a fair comment, what is your problem or mine? By the way I want to tell you, as a seller, there is a long way to you to go, I'm worried about that when you encounter a real "rude" buyer, and you’d better not overact to him or her just like me because you might get a really rude action.

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
卖家回复“Guess what honey...this isn't China.
  I have written to all of my buyers (100+) and told them of my experience with you and suggested they block you.
  Checkmate...you want to keep playing? I'll win. And by the way, your English writing skills suck. There are night school classes you could look into.”

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
我真的觉得她好可笑,于是我又发了信息给她:I said my English is good? I admit I am learning English, I don't feel any shame about this because I do not rely on the meal. In addition, it is ridiculous about that you send email to all of your customers to persuade them to block me, I haven’t think about giving them any information. By the way, if you really think you did the right thing, why to call them block me? If I want to send your customers something I only give them the contact messages on Ebay between us, so they can get a fair conclusion, I think you have a guilty conscience so you told your customers block me first.
  “Guess what honey...this isn't China”,oh, The United States! The online shopping rules are not same as China? If the rules aren't same and support your action, why didn't you tell eBay and then refused to give me a refund?
  In fact, I really no time to give your customers some information about you and discuss this thing, if you say you will win so I admit you win, I do not want to stimulate you again.
  I use Chinese saying "你真是玻璃心啊,如此的敏感和有迫害妄想,好斗,且动不动充满了愤怒,你的生活过得好不好,全在你的言行里表现出来。我好心劝告你一下,有空去看下心理医生吧!心态平和有助于你生活幸福。”


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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
我真的是对这个卖家无语,我又发了另外条消息“In addition, if you haunt me, I will complain directly to eBay' customer center, I think eBay can see all of our messages, and it will give a fair judgment for you!",我不知道她是否有收到这条信息,总之,她又给我发了条“I laugh at you".

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
你反应过度了。这个明显是个个人卖家(才100来个交易)。人家突然有事出门,事先跟你打了招呼,即使你想催一下也应该是那样措辞,如果我是卖家看见你那 message 我也会暴怒。
  PS: 看了上面的回复恐怕你会骂我,我真心不在乎。我打这个回复主要是给别人看的。

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2021-1-10 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层

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