
查看11 | 回复0 | 2009-6-29 07:47:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Cohesive TiesThe local coherence in a text that is established by using words that link sentences together.Focuses on the relationship between cohesion and comprehension.Cohesion is the type of language redundancy that links one sentence or phrase with another.Lexical cohesionLexical cohesion is basically created by repetition (reiteration) of the same lexeme, or general nouns (super-ordinates, for example - public transport), or other lexemes sharing the majority of semantic features (also called hyponyms): The bus ... - the subway... - the tram....Lexical cohesion can also form relational patterns in text in a way that links sentences to create an overall feature of coherence with the audience, sometimes overlapping with other cohesion features. The understanding of how the content of sentences is linked helps to identify the central information in texts by means of a possible summary. This allows judgements on what the text is about.Structural cohesion is the sociological and graph theory conception [1][2] and measurement of cohesion for maximal social group or graphical boundaries where related elements cannot be disconnected except by removal of a certain minimal number of other nodes. The solution to the boundary problem for structural cohesion is found by the vertex-cut version of Menger's theorem. The boundaries of structural endogamy are a special case of structural cohesion. It is also useful to know that k-cohesive graphs (or k-components) are always a subgraph of a k-core, although a k-core is not always k-cohesive. A k-core is simply a subgraph in which all nodes have at least k neighbors but it need not even be connected.

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