
查看11 | 回复1 | 2010-5-22 09:27:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Influence of Storage Conditions on Shelf-Life of Dried Beef Product (Kilishi)
Abstract: The effects of storage methods on the shelf-life of dried beef product (Kilishi) were studied under ambient conditions for a period of forty-two days to compare traditional production and packaging system with a potassium sorbate (anti-fungal agent) treatment and modern packaging system. Changes in proximate composition and microbial counts for the control and treated samples were significant. Moisture and water activity results indicated that the experimental kilishi was sufficiently dried to minimize microbial growth. Fatoxidation levels measured by percent free fatty acid (FFA) on extracted fats were unacceptably high and maybe a reflection of the quality of peanut cake paste added as a condiment in dried beef processing. A decrease in mineral nutrient of kilishi was also observed.. Results suggest that treatment of kilishi with 10% (w/v) potassium sorbate led to low and acceptable level of mould growth during the storage period, indicating that kilishi is not susceptible to excessive mould contamination. Aflatoxin levels far exceeded recommended safe limits and may be due to the peanut cake paste used as a condiment.
Key words: Storage conditions % Shelf-life % Kilishi % Chemical compositions % Microbiological counts

The main method of meat preservation transferred by the medieval Arabs in the 12th century was that of sundrying. A variety of traditional products have been developed that rely on the interaction of preservation techniques involving a restriction of water activity by drying, use of salts and sugar to further control water activity and to act as selective inhibitors of microbial and enzymatic action and use of spices to further limit microbial growth and to impact characteristic flavour.
The curing of meat is a process that depends on the inhibition of microbial growth by the use of sodium chloride and control of water activity, with optional additional use of nitrite salts to stabilize meat colour; and smoking to give further microbial control and a desirable cured meat flavour. As a result, many traditional processes have been developed to give products of distinctive character. Although modern methods of meat preservation such as refrigeration and freezing method might be preferred by consumers, refrigeration equipment are expensive to install and difficult to maintain in developing countries.
There are many methods used to prepare dried meat. These include exposure of strips of lean meat to the sun, as in the manufacture of Pemmica by North America Indians, or a combination of salting followed by air drying, as in the preparation of Charqui in South America and Biltong in South Africa [3]. The dried beef product Kilishi is a delicacy in Africa equivalent to Pemmica and Charqui.


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千问 | 2010-5-22 09:27:32 | 显示全部楼层
对保质期,产品生命牛肉干贮藏条件的影响(Kilishi) 摘要:在货架上,产品的生命牛肉干贮存方法的影响(Kilishi)下,研究了四十为期两天的环境条件比较山梨酸钾(抗真菌剂)治疗传统的生产和包装系统和现代包装系统。在一般成分,为控制和处理样品的微生物数量变化显着。水分和水活动的结果表明,实验kilishi已充分干燥,以尽量减少微生物的生长。衡量对提取百分之脂肪游离脂肪酸(FFA)的Fatoxidation水平过高,也许是对花生饼糊质量的思考作为调味品加工牛肉干补充。以矿物kilishi养分减少,还观察..结果表明,10%(重量/体积kilishi处理)山梨酸钾导致低和可以接受的增长水平的模具,在贮存期间,表明kilishi不会受到过度的霉菌污染

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