急用 在线等 怎么做 速度给我答案!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

查看11 | 回复1 | 2010-11-30 18:58:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mother’s voice ______ a little unhappy. What happened?
--- I used too much water to wash the dishes.
A.looked B. heard
C. listened
D. sounded
17. ----Did the suspect___ killing Miss. Smith?
----No, he said he was ___ and hurt nobody.
A. deny; guiltyB. admit; guilty C. deny; innocent
D. admit; innocent
18. --- _________ women teachers are there in your school?
--- About twenty.

A. How many B. How much
C. How often
D. How long
19. “_______!” the teacher said to his student when he managed to pass the exam.
A. Well done
B. Well
C. That’s not bad
D. All right
20. ---What did you see just now?
---I saw two _____ doctors _____ out of the house.
A woman, comeB woman, came
C women, coming
D women, to come
21. --- How does the poor girl pay for her education?
--- She _____________ herslef. She makes money by sending newspapers.
A. has fun B. Grows up C. is dependent on
D. plays tennis
22. ______ bad news it is! We can’t go to the park today.
A. What a
B. What
C. How a
D. How
23. ---What are you going to be when you grow up?
---I hope ______ a policeman and I want ______ the weak.
A. be; help B. to be; to helpC. being; helping D. being; to help
--- Computers work more quickly than people.
--- Yes. And they __________ make mistakes.
A. rarely
B. recently
C. always
D. often
--- Why did you buy this Mp5 but not that one?
--- Oh, because this one is ____________ but _______ than that one.
A. cheap; worse
B. expensive; better

C. cheaper; better
D. much expensive; worse
A thief _____ a necklace _____ my sister yesterday.
A. steal, from
B. stole, from
C. stole, of
D. steal, of
--- Nobody agreed no her plan, __________ her parents.
--- Yes, because they all think it is a ___________ idea.

A. include, smart B. including, stupid
C. including, smart D. include, stupid
--- Doctor, what can I do to keep healthy?
--- _____ you exercise,_______ you will be.
A. The less; the better
B. More; poorer
C. Fewer; rich
D. The more; the better
–– My mother suggests ___________ for a walk after supper every day.
–– She is right. You should keep yourself __________.

A. going; healthy
B. go; healthy

C. to go; healthy
D. to go; health
---- Which book do you like________ of the books?
---- The _______ one. I don’t like to read a thick one.

A. best; thickest B. best; thinnest C. better; thicker
D. better; thinner


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千问 | 2010-11-30 18:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
DDAADCABABBBDCB 不懂为什么这么选可以hi我。

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