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9. Insurance
Supplier shall maintain and keep in force adequate business and products liability insurance in-
cluding recall covering Products. The insurance is to be valid as minimum for the term of the Par-
ties’ business co-operation and for a period of five (5) years hereafter. As proof of such insurance
Supplier shall prior to Supplier’s acceptance of a Danfoss purchase order provide Danfoss with an
insurance certificate issued on name. Coverage of injuries on persons or damages to property
should be valid worldwide including USA and Canada at not less than EUR 4,000,000.00 per in-
jury/damage with no limitation regarding aggregate amount per year.
Furthermore, the insurance shall cover responsibility for damages to or losses concerning objects
(incl. objects belonging to Danfoss) that Supplier’s Products are (i) made part of, mixed with, in-
corporated in, joint with, used for packing of or in any other way connected with; or (ii) worked
up with or used for working up of; or (iii) used for production or working up of or any kind of
handling of.
Secondary Damage
Except for any liability under clause 5 above and clause 11 below all claims for consequential
losses, loss of production, loss of profit, loss of goodwill and any other indirect losses are expressly
excluded. This limitation shall not apply in the event of (i) wilful misconduct or fraudulence, (ii)
gross negligence, or (iii) in case of death or personal injury that may be the result of the negligence
of Danfoss or Supplier or of someone for whom Danfoss or Supplier is responsible.
Intellectual Property Rights
Supplier bears the responsibility for ensuring that the Products, or the use or transfer thereof, shall
not infringe any intellectual property rights of any third party (including, without limitation, any
patent, trademark, industrial design, copyright or license right or trade secret). If claims based on
he Products’ infringement of intellectual property rights are made by a third party against Danfoss
and/or Danfoss’ customers and/or end-users of the Products or Danfoss products of which the
Products form part, Supplier shall be obligated to indemnify Danfoss for all damages, costs and ex-
penses arising out of or in connection with such claim or infringement. Danfoss shall without un-
due delay notify the Supplier of any such claim and allow the Supplier to either independently plead
or to intervene in the proceedings regarding such infringement claim.
Should Products be found to infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party, Supplier shall,
without cost to Danfoss, modify the Products to be non-infringing or shall obtain and maintain
such license and rights from the third party as are required for the unrestricted, continuous use of
the Products.


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