求翻译下列八句为中文 谢谢了 标题是Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft Corp.

查看11 | 回复2 | 2010-12-21 20:42:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leading provider of software for personal computer.
2.Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School where he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.
3.Guided by a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers.
4.Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft and plays an important role in the technical development of new products.
5.A significant portion of his time is devoted to meeting customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through emails.
6.The company is committed to a long-term view, reflected in its investment of approximately $7.1 billion on research and development in the 2007 fiscal year.
7 Gates has donated the proceeds of the book to non-profit organizations that support the use of technology in education and skills development.
8.He also founded Corbis, which is developing one of the world's largest resources of visual information - a comprehensive digital archive of art and photography from public and private collections around the globe.


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千问 | 2010-12-21 20:42:25 | 显示全部楼层
1.William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leading provider of software for personal computer.威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是微软公司,世界范围内的领先供应商的软件为个人电脑的主席。2.Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School where he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age

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千问 | 2010-12-21 20:42:25 | 显示全部楼层
1。威廉(比尔)。盖茨是世界上个人电脑软件主要提供商——微软公司的主席。2. 比尔盖茨小于就读于一所公立小学,后来就读于湖滨学校。在这里,他发现了自己在软件方面的兴趣,并且在13岁的时候就开始为计算机编辑程序。3. 他们相信电脑将会成为人们办公室和家庭中的重要的一个工具,于是就开始为个人电脑开发软件。4.盖茨积极投身于微软公司的主要管理工作和重要

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