急!!!高分求英语翻译 可能有一点点错误 通顺就行!!!!!!!

查看11 | 回复4 | 2010-12-14 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I am not blind to the tremendous change which this revolution would mean. The maxim of modern civilization to a well-to-do man is, Avoid taking trouble! Get as many of the functions of your life as you can performed by others for you! Vicarious life is the watchword of our civilization, and we well-to-do and cultivated people live smoothly enough while it lasts. But, in the first place, how about the vicars, who do more for us than the singing of mass for our behoof for a scanty stipend? Will they go on with it for ever? For indeed the shuffling off of responsibilities from one to the other has to stop at last, and somebody has to bear the burden in the end. But let that pass, since I am not writing politics, and let us consider another aspect of the matter. What wretched lop-sided creatures we are being made by the excess of the division of labour in the occupations of life! What on earth are we going to do with our time when we have brought the art of vicarious life to perfection, having first complicated the question by the ceaseless creation of artificial wants which we refuse to supply for ourselves? Are all of us (we of the great middle class I mean) going to turn philosophers, poets, essayists - men of genius, in a word, when we have come to look down on the ordinary functions of life with the same kind of contempt wherewith persons of good breeding look down upon a good dinner, eating it sedulously however? I shudder when I think of how we shall bore each other when we have reached that perfection. Nay, I think we have already got in all branches of culture rather more geniuses that we can comfortably bear, and that we lack, so to say, audiences rather than preachers. I must ask pardon of my readers, but our case is at once so grievous and so absurd that one can scarcely help laughing out of bitterness of soul. In the very midst of our pessimism we are boastful of our wisdom, yet we are helpless in the face of the necessities we have created, and which, in spite of our anxiety about art, are at present driving us into luxury unredeemed by beauty on the one hand, and squalor unrelieved by incident or romance on the other, and will one day drive us into mere ruin.
有道能翻译我就不提问了!!!别说方法 直接给答案!!!!

这是很专业的稿件!!!!不要自作聪明 来个人工翻译的!!!可以提高赏金!!


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千问 | 2010-12-14 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-12-14 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层
我不是盲目对这次革命将意味的巨大变动。 现代文明格言对一个宽裕的人的将,避免采取麻烦! 得到许多您的生活的作用,您能由其他执行您的! 代理的生活是我们的文明口令,并且我们宽裕和耕种的人民居住足够顺利地,当它持续时。 但是,首先,关于教区牧师,谁为我们比唱歌更我们的好处的大量一不足的俸给的? 他们与它匹配的? 为拖曳责任必须从一个到另一个的确停止在为时,并且某

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千问 | 2010-12-14 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2010-12-14 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

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