
查看11 | 回复3 | 2010-10-13 21:03:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The digital revolution, as exemplified by the Internet and electronic commerce, has shaken marketing practices to their core. In a recent paper, Wharton's Jerry Wind, director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, and co-author Vijay Mahajan, a marketing professor at the College of Business Administration of the University of Texas at Austin, examine the impact of digital marketing on concepts like pricing, when customers can propose their own prices (priceline.com), or buyers and sellers can haggle independently in auctions (eBay.com).
The paper provides an overview of some of the emerging realties and new rules of marketing in a digital world, and outlines what the new discipline of marketing may look like in the early part of the new century.
To begin with, say the authors, the rapid-fire growth of the Internet is helping to drive changes. "It is not just our computers that are being reprogrammed; it is customers themselves," says Wind. "These emerging cyber consumers are like an alien race that have landed in the midst of our markets. They have different expectations and different relationships with companies from which they purchase products and services."
For one thing, cyber consumers expect to be able to customize everything - from the products and services they buy and the information they seek, to the price they are willing to pay. And with digital technology opening new channels for gaining information, they are more knowledgeable and demanding than previous consumers.
Digital customers can also sort products based on any desired attribute, price, nutritional value, or functionality, and they can easily obtain third-party endorsements and evaluations, tapping the experience of other users. "Companies that cannot meet their demands and expectations will be at a loss," says Wind.


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千问 | 2010-10-13 21:03:42 | 显示全部楼层
数字革命,通过互联网和电子商务的典范,已经动摇了营销实践他们的核心。在最近的一篇文章,沃顿商学院的杰里风主任,高级研究SEI的中心管理和合著者维杰马哈詹,在从事业务在奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学管理学院市场营销学教授,研究了数字营销的影响在诸如定价的概念,当客户可以提出自己的价格(priceline.com),或买卖双方可以讨价还价,在拍卖(eBay.com)独立。 本文提供了一个新兴的不动产和市场营销的新规则在数字世界的一些概述,并概述了营销的新学科,可能看起来像在新世纪之初的一部分。 首先,作者说,互联网的快速增长是火有助于推动改变。 “这不只是我们正在重新编程的计算机,它是客户自己说,”风。 “这些新兴的网络消费者就像一个外星种族已经在我们的市场

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-10-13 21:03:42 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-10-13 21:03:42 | 显示全部楼层
数字革命,作为例证,互联网和电子商务营销实践,动摇了对他们的核心。在最近的一纸,沃顿的杰瑞风、主任SEI中心管理,先进的研究和Vijay Mahajan、营销教授商业管理学院的德州大学奥斯丁分校的影响,考察了数字化营销观念上,当用户可以定价提出自己的价格(priceline.com),或买方和卖方可以独立于拍卖(eBay.com讨价还价。文章概述一些

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