
查看11 | 回复2 | 2019-4-26 17:22:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mr. Young never does any housework. So he can’t 31▲ . When he gets home, the meals are always ready. He has some time to have a rest after dinner or to do some reading 32 ▲ he goes to bed. But last week the man had to 33 ▲
himself. His wife’s mother was ill in hospital and she had to go to see her. She bought some 34 ▲for her husband before she went to her town. Mr Young ate it up in a few days. And this evening, after he went back from his office, he couldn’t 35 ▲
anything to eat in the rooms. He was very 36 ▲
at that time, he had to go to the nearest restaurant and 37▲
the waiter to bring some hot dogs to him. Soon he found they were38 ▲
and he became angry.
“Waiter,” shouted Mr. Young. “There’s something wrong with the hot dogs!”
“I’m 39 ▲, sir,” said the waiter. “I’m only a waiter, you know You’d better go to the veterinary station (兽医站) and40▲
it with them!”
31. A. work
B. drink
C. cook
D. wash
32. A. after
B. before
C. because
D. if
33. A. see
B. listen to
C. hear
D. look after
34. A. food
B. paper
C. fruit
D. vegetables
35. A. buy
B. sell
C. find
D. show
36. A. tired
B. full
C. hungry
D. asleep
37. A. made
B. told
C. let
D. hoped
38. A. bad
B. good
C. dear
D. delicious
39. A. sorry
B. afraid
C. sure
D. glad
40.A. look at
B. wait for
C. write to
D. talk about


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千问 | 2019-4-26 17:22:21 | 显示全部楼层
【答】31.C 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C36.C 37.B 38.A 39.A 40.D杨先生从不做家务,所以不会作饭。他回到家时饭菜总是已经备好了。吃完饭他还可以小憩一下或看看书,然后睡觉。但上周开始他不得不自己照顾自己。他丈母娘生病住院了,他妻子得去照料。走之前他妻子给他买了一些食品,杨先生几

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