
查看11 | 回复0 | 2021-1-8 03:11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Go to Bangkok and check out soi Nana. There you’ll find plenty of white dudes (mostly retired) sitting on a barstool with a thai girl less than half his age.
  As a former ‘sugar daddy’ myself, I must admit it wasn’t so terrible. She had fun, I had fun. She had no money, I had lots.
  To answer your question, why is it so terrible…well, one must be careful. The relationship is built entirely on money. So if you’ve got lots, go for it.
  But be careful when you fall in love with her. The young, lithe beautiful girl beside you probably doesn’t love you. She needs the money.
  so in the end its not so terrible…if you can string her along for a few dollars and keep it not serious you’ll be fine.
  the point being there are pitfalls even with the thai girls…the submissive and gentle ones who treat their man like a king. When your savings are all gone and your bank balance is down to zero, she will probably be gone, too.
  So keep it light and not serious boys! Don’t fall in love! and just give her enough to string her along for the sport-fucking. if she’s thai and broke and you are white and rich -it ain’t true love: it’s true fun.

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