
查看11 | 回复3 | 2008-5-27 09:37:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school. Yesterday she came into the 1 with a big smile on her face. She asid to her 2 that she was 3 to see they did well in the sports meeting. But 4 was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as 5 as usual. She hoped they would chean the classroom every day.
Wei Hua was on 6 yesterday. She said everyone was at7except Lin Tao. Then she told Miss Zhao about their 8 to the Great Wall last Sunday. Luckily the weather was9. The played games and had a picnic there. After Wei Hua 10 her talk, Miss Zhao began her lesson.
() 1. A. shop
B. classroom C. park
D. office
() 2. A. students B. teachers
C. workersD. doctors
() 3. A. angry
B. sorry
C. glad
D. sad
() 4. A. she
B. I
C. we
D. he
() 5. A. dark
B. old
C. large
D. clean
() 6. A time
B. duty
D. top
() 7. A. home
B. noon
C. night
D. school
() 8. A. visit
B. music
C. clock
D. football
() 9. A. bad
B. fine
C. rainy
D. windy
() 10. A started B. had
C. finished
D. gave
It’s never easy to admit(承认)you are in the wrong. We all 11 to know the art of apology(道歉). Think how often you’ve done wrong. Then count how many 12 you’ve expressed clearly you were 13 . You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do 14 about it.
A doctor friedn, Mr Lieb, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia(失眠症). 15 some careful exams, Mr Lieb found nothing wrong with him and said, “If you don’t tell me what’s 16 you, I can’t help you”.
The man admitted he was cheating(骗取) his brother of his inheritance(遗产). Then and there the clever doctor 17 the man write to his brother and 18 his money. As soon as the letter was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried.“Thank you ,” he said to he docotor,“I think I’ve got well.”
An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系), but also make it 19 . If you can think of someone who should be 20 an apology from you, do something about in right now.
() 11. A decide
B. have
C. need
D. try
() 12. A. mistakes B. people
D. times
() 13. A. sorry
B. weak
C. sad
D. wrong
() 14. A. something B. anything
C. nothing
D. everything
() 15. A. Before
B. After
C. Till
D. Since
() 16. A. hurting
B. changing
C. touching D. worrying
() 17. A. made
B. helped
C. let
D. saw
() 18. A. gave
B. kept
C. returned
D. paid
() 19. A. newer
B. worse
C. harder
D. stronger
() 20. A. received
B. given
C. known
D. forgotten


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千问 | 2008-5-27 09:37:24 | 显示全部楼层
1. B2. A3. C4. A5. D6. B7. D8. A9. B10. C11. C12. D13. D14. C15. A16. D17. B18. C19. D20. A

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千问 | 2008-5-27 09:37:24 | 显示全部楼层

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