
查看11 | 回复3 | 2008-7-12 00:29:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Skeletal Undead
"Contrary to what I had assumed, a reanimated skeleton is actually constructed from bits and pieces of any number of different skeletons, not a single one."
The undead are a pox upon our world, yet no one sees fit to look into their existence and find a way to rid us of them once and for all. How long until we are confronted by the terrifying specter of an undead army of skeletal warriors raised by some crazed sorcererr would-be demigod? Do not let the scarce reports of skeleton attacks lull you into assuming we are safe; we are never safe from these unholy legions. They are coming, mark my words.
Despite the fact that skeletons seem mischievous or imbecilic, they are nothing to scoff at. We should neither dismiss them from our consideration, nor ignore the problem they represent. It is far past the time for serious inquiry into their exact nature. Since I am overly qualified on many subjects pertinent to this area of inquiry, apparently it falls to me to rectify this lack of understanding. After completing many months of long, arduous study, I now present the information I have gleaned from my research into these unholy monstrosities.
It should be apparent to all intelligent readers that any madman needs only the raw material of skeletal remains to create these armies of the undead. The obvious solution is to disinter the graveyards and begin burning the skeletons posthaste. Only then can we be certain that we have removed this deadly threat from the arsenal of those who would do us harm.
Contrary to what I had assumed, a reanimated skeleton is actually constructed from bits and pieces of any number of different skeletons, not a single one. Their diverse composition gives them the ability to form and reform, and makes them easily summoned, permitted there is adequate raw material at hand. Still, this is not to say that a skilled necromancer could not call forth a cadre of skeletal warriors to do his bidding anywhere he chooses. He merely requires less effort to construct a skeleton army in a graveyard than in the middle of a forest.


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千问 | 2008-7-12 00:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
骨骼肌不死“所说的相反,我曾假设,重新更动骨架,其实是兴建从零碎的任何数量的不同的骨骼,而不是一个单一的一” 。 该不死是一个痘后,我们的世界,但没有人认为适当的照顾到他们的存在和寻找出路,以摆脱我们,他们一劳永逸的。多久,直到我们面临的可怕的幽灵一不死军队骨骼肌勇士所提出的一些疯狂的sorcererr将要鸿郁?不要让稀缺的报告骨架的攻击平静,你到假定我们是安全的;我们从来都不是安全的从这些非神圣军团。他们是来,马克我的话。 尽管事实是骨骼,似乎恶作剧或imbecilic ,他们是无关的奚落。我们既不应解雇他们从我们的考虑,也不忽视的问题,他们所代表的。这是到目前为止,在过去的时间,严重的调查他们的确切性质。由於我过於合格的就很多科

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千问 | 2008-7-12 00:29:27 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2008-7-12 00:29:27 | 显示全部楼层

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