
查看11 | 回复2 | 2008-11-28 21:34:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.The stubborn mayor finally consented to a___with the strike leaders.
A. dialogue
B. monologue
C. quarrel
D. whisper
2.I want to ___my strength so I do exercise every morning.
A. string up
B. build up
C. break in
D. call in
3.The rights of citizens must not be ___without proper cause.
A. abridgement
B. abridged
C. abridgeable
D. abridge

4.She never loses her ___even when things don't go well.
A. self-control
B. self-esteem
C. self-abasement
D. self-abuse

5.Robert looked as if he were about to___when his motives were questioned.
A. jump up
B. strike out
C. flare up
D. become excited

6.She was the last woman to be___in Britain.
A. killed
B. murdered
C. assassinated
D. executed
7.The press conference was ___by all networks.
A. taken
B. had
C. carried
D. made

8.From then on,a sound system of Party committee meeting was ___in all leading bodies.
A. contructed
B. instituted
C. confirmed
D. given up
9.You will be informed when the books become___.
A. unavailable
B. available
C. avail
D. unavail

10.He often___up memories of past.
A. conjures
B. recalls
C. begs
D. pardons1.
11.All this was quite in___with traditional practices in Spain.
A. liner
B. linear
C. linen
D. line

12.When the World Cup Soccer Tournament was held in that country, lots of people queued up for days ___in order to get a ticket.
A. at end
B. in end
C. on end
D. by end

13.His father gave him___to be home by midnight.
A. instruct
B. introductions
C. introduce
D. instructions

14.It's ___of you to postpone the meeting to the next Friday.
A. considerate
B. considerable
C. consider
D. consideration

15.The soldier polished his boots in ___of the inspection.
A. anticipate
B. anticipation
C. anticipant
D. anticipated

16.He is the manager's son but that does not___him to criticise my work.
A. qualification
B. qualify
C. quality
D. qualified

17.Jane is shivering ___cold so that her teeth are chattering.
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. with

18.George is in___with him.
A. correspondent
B. correspond
C. correspondence
D. corresponding

19.With tear gas and fire hose the police___ the demonstrators.
A. scrached
B. scattered
C. scatter
D. scared

20.The meeting at six o'clock was an ___ on my time ,but I managed to finish the work later 6.
A. intrusion
B. instruction
C. intruder
D. intuition


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千问 | 2008-11-28 21:34:02 | 显示全部楼层
其余的10个10. He often___up memories of past. B. recalls11.All this was quite in___with traditional practices in Spain. D. line 12. When the World Cup Soccer Tournament was held in that country, lots of people queued up for days ___in order to get a ticket. A. at end 13. His father gave him___to be home...

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千问 | 2008-11-28 21:34:02 | 显示全部楼层

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