
查看11 | 回复2 | 2009-1-3 00:44:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Job opportunities are more greater than in many other European countries.
2. The range of leisure activities is now varieder than ever before
3. Ireland has one of most advanced telecommunications networks in Europe
4. Employment costs in Germany are among the most high in the world
5. The scenery is more spectacular that I expected
6. Dublin is among the cosmopolitanest cities in Europe
7. There are good resons for relocating,but there are even more better reasons for relocating to Ireland
8. Employment costs are less high as in other European countries
9.Come to Ireland.You’ll srttle in even more quick sa you thought
10. Ireland is not the same that it was thirty years ago.It’s the bigger surprise in Europe
11. I need some were informations about the metting
12. Their news were very encouraging
13. It’s the service what really matters
14. I look forward to hear form you in due course
15. This type of problem is very normally
16. We are very interesting in your product range
17. I didn’t manage findishing all the work on time
18. Who’s offer did you finally decide to accept
19. The report bases on the most recent figures
20. The company is a lot bigger as it used to be
21. Last year’s sales figures have to be checking
22. So the company’s doing well.does it?
23. It’s a lot more harder to find clients than keep them
24. She didn’t give me many advice on what to do
25. When I told him the problem,he said me that it wasn’t important


使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-1-3 00:44:28 | 显示全部楼层
1.more去掉,greater后面加in xxx(任意国家) varieder改成more varied 3.telecommunications networks改成systems of telecommunications 4.most high改成highest 5.that改成than 6.cosmopolitanest前面加the 7.more改成much 8.high改成higher后面再加in xxx(任意国家) 9.quick改成quickly than 10.that改成as,bigger改成biggest 11.were改成more,informations改成单数,mettin...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-1-3 00:44:28 | 显示全部楼层
1.much 2.are 3.the most 4.highest...太多了啊!我手机上的,看不过来..全是比较最高级的题!...

使用道具 举报

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