
查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-6-20 14:26:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In order to investigate an individual’s behavior, researchers may use diffe-rent levels of analysis-from the broadest, most global level down to the most minute, specific level. Suppose, for example, you were trying to describe a pa-inting you saw at a museum (see Figure 1.1). At a global level, you might d-escribe it by title, Bathers, and by artist, Georges Seurat. At a more specific
level, you might recount features of the painting: some people are sunning themselves on a riverbank, while others are enjoying in water, and so on. At a
very specific level, you might describe the technique Seurat used-tiny points ofpaint-to create the scene. The description at each level would answer different questions about the painting.
Different levels of psychological description also address different questions. At the broadest level of psychological analysis, researchers investigate the b-ehavior of the whole person within complex social and cultural contexts. At t-his level, researches might study cross-cultural differences in violence, the orig-ins of prejudice, and the consequences of mental illness. At the next level, ps-ychologists focus on narrower, finer units of behavior, such as speed of reacti-on to a stop light, eye movements during reading, and grammatical errors ma-de by children acquiring language. Researchers can study even smaller units ofbehavior. They might work to discover the biological bases of behavior by id-entifying the places in the brain where different types of memories are stored, the biochemical changes that occur during learning, and the sensory paths resp-onsible for vision or hearing. Each level of analysis yields information essenti-al to the final composite portrait of human nature that psychologists hope ulti-mately to develop.
However tight or broad the focus of the observation, psychologists strive
to describe behavior objectively. Collecting the facts as they exist, and not as
the researcher expects or hopes them to be, is of utmost importance. Because every observer brings to each observation his or her subjective point of view- biases, prejudices, and expectations—it is essential to prevent these personal fa-ctors from creeping in and distorting the data. As you will see in the next ch-apter, psychological researchers have developed a variety of techniques to maintain objectivity.


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千问 | 2009-6-20 14:26:43 | 显示全部楼层
为了领略心理学的独特性与统一性,你必须从心理学家定义该领域及其研究与应用的目标来考虑。在这本书结束的时候,我们会鼓励你以心理学家的方式思考。在这第一部分里,我们会为你提供一个关于心理学应该是什么的强有力的观点。定义 许多心理学家试图找到这样一个基本问题的答案—什么是人性?心理学既着眼于个体内部发生的过程,又从物理和社会产生的方面来回答这个问题。从这个角度出发,我们将心理学定义为是对个体行为及其心理过程的科学研究。让我们来探索一下这个定义的主要部分:科学、行为、个体及心理。心理学的科学方面表现在要求心理学的结论,必须是在依据科学方法原则下所搜集到的证据的基础上得出的。科学方法是由用以分析与解决问题的一套有序的步骤构成的。该方法将客观搜集到的信...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-6-20 14:26:43 | 显示全部楼层
为了调查一个人的行为,研究人员可以使用不同租金水平的分析,从最广泛,最全球一级到最微小的,具体的水平。假设,例如,您尝试描述一个巴inting你看到了一个博物馆(见图1.1 ) 。在全球范围内,您可能会名D - escribe它的标题,泳客,并通过艺术家,乔治瑟拉。在一个更具体的一级,您可以重新特点绘画:有些人晒自己的河岸,而另一些正在享受水,等等。在非...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-6-20 14:26:43 | 显示全部楼层
为了调查一个人的行为,研究人员可以使用不同租金水平的分析,从最广泛,最全球一级到最微小的,具体的水平。假设,例如,您尝试描述一个巴inting你看到了一个博物馆(见图1.1 ) 。在全球范围内,您可能会名D - escribe它的标题,泳客,并通过艺术家,乔治瑟拉。在一个更具体的 一级,您可以重新特点绘画:有些人晒自己的河岸,而另一些正在享受水,等等。在...

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