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查看11 | 回复2 | 2008-11-14 14:35:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
31Then there are the banks. China Export and Import (Exim) Bank is funding more than 260 projects across 36 African countries while China Development Bank had loaned more than US$1 billion to Africa as of March 2007. This money has so far helped build 9,000 kilometers of roads and railways as well as eight large- and medium-sized power plants.
32 One country that has attracted a fair share of Chinese attention is Zambia. More than US$300 million has been sunk into the mining, manufacturing projects, construction and agriculture industries. Zambia’s copper belt has proved such a hit with Chinese mining firms – as well as a host of spin-off industries – that Beijing set up a special development zone there earlier this year.
33 Beijing made a commitment to establishing at least five of these zones at the China Africa Cooperation Forum in 2006. One already exists in Mauritius and it has been reported that two more are planned for Nigeria.
34 The idea behind these zones is to provide access to Chinese officials who may grease the wheels of trade by providing business contacts, reduced tariffs and streamlined processes. Beyond this, though, it is difficult to say exactly what the zones entail, who funds them and how African businesses might benefit.
35“There is a little bit of opaqueness when it comes to China and Africa and this is one of those areas,” said Chris Alden, a lecturer in international relations at the London School of Economics who has written much on Asia-Africa ties.
Different approach
36The Chinese government has highlighted these zones as potential vehicles to deepen economic ties with specific countries. In this way, they can be seen as part of an approach to Africa that differs from that of Western countries. It is all about cash, with no questions asked about human rights or institutional corruption. However, loans from China are often used to hire Chinese companies. Similarly, infrastrucure investments are closely tied to access to natural resources.
37 The irony is that China may be acting like a developed country by taking a single approach to a very varied continen


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千问 | 2008-11-14 14:35:53 | 显示全部楼层
31 还有的银行。中国进出口(进出口)银行的资金超过260个项目的36个非洲国家,同时中国开发银行贷款超过10亿美元对非洲的截至2007年3月。这笔钱至今已帮助建立9000公里的公路和铁路,以及8个大型和中型发电厂。 32 一个国家,吸引了公平地分享中国注意的是赞比亚。超过3亿美元已经陷入了采矿业,制造业项目,建筑和农业行业。赞比亚的铜矿带已证明这种打击与中国矿业公司-以及作为东道主的附带产业-北京成立了一个特别发展区有今年早些时候。 33 北京作出承诺,要建立至少有5对这些地区在中国中非合作论坛于2006年。一个已经存在于毛里求斯和据报道,另外两个计划为尼日利亚。 34 背后的想法是这些地区提供进入中国官员谁可能油脂车轮的贸易提供的业务联...

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千问 | 2008-11-14 14:35:53 | 显示全部楼层

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