Michael Jackson - "Who is it" music Video

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有谁知道 MJ "Who is it" MV中的女主角是谁?
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The music video for "Who Is It" was directed by David Fincher (Alien 3, Panic Room, Fight Club and Se7en). The video is set in a neo-chrome Blade Runner-like landscape, where surfaces reflect light and denote luxury in all its splendor. We see Michael Jackson as a suffering recluse who has come to the conclusion that his girlfriend is cheating. He finds a platinum business card with the name 'Alex' seemingly confirming that she is cheating with the person whose name is on the card. As the video progresses, we learn that the girlfriend is working for a secret exclusive billionaire-boys-club escort agency. Her identity and visual appearance is changed regularly, usually between clients, and is confirmed by the platinum business cards she presents to each client as the night goes on. This reveals that the name 'Alex' on the card found by Jackson is one of her aliases and is not a secret lover. When she senses that something is wrong and defies her watchers to run back to Jackson's home to find him. She finds Jackson's assistant at the door, who refuses to let her in and reveals that Jackson has left and probably for good. The assistant then hands her a collection of her alias business cards revealing that her secret is out and that she has been exposed. Devastated, she is forced to return submissively back to her ruthless employees and continue on as a high class prostitute. The video ends with the ex-girlfriend being prepared for another client while Jackson attempts to sleep on a jet. Throughout the video, a strange ghostly face appears in Jackson's surroundings -- the appearances seem to coincide with Jackson's despair.
In the United States, the music video was never aired on MTV or VH-1. Instead, the video was replaced with montage footage of various music videos by Jackson, as well as live performances during the Bad tour and Motown 25.


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his girl...

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