
查看11 | 回复4 | 2009-2-1 16:50:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A. Actuation Stress/Strain analysis
In order to find the best-suited actuator for joints in serpentine robots we performed a detailed analysis mostly based on the comparison of performance indices of mechanical actuators introduced by Huber et al. [1997] and complemented by our own investigations.
The original paper did not include electric motors. It also included only select types of pneumatic actuators. We made some reasonable assumptions about the transformation of rotary motion to linear motion and calculated the performance indices for some electric motors with a ball screw transmission mechanism that produces reasonable linear speed and force. We also calculated the performance indices for a few pneumatic bellows and artificial pneumatic muscles and added those results in Figure 3.
Actuators that are closest to the top right corner of Figure 3 are naturally suited to lifting weights and propelling masses in the orders of magnitude required for serpentine robots.
The superior characteristics of hydraulics (compared to pneumatics) are diminished once actuation stress is related to actuator density. Furthermore, hydraulics also becomes less desirable over electric motors once efficiency is considered, as was shown in Table I. One should also note that Huber’s analysis considers the actuator only, but without the volume (or weight) of the compressor, manifolds, valves, fittings, and pipes. It is difficult to calculate the performance indices for the whole actuation system with precision because the volume and weight strongly depends on the application. In general these weight factors work in favor of electric systems. Once these considerations are taken into account, in addition to the actuation stress/strain analysis illustrated by Figure 3, it appears evident that there is some advantage to electric motors. However, the fact remains that actuation strain of most cylinder-type actuators is limited to 1.0 and only pneumatic bellows produce the largest value (reaching 4) without any external mechanisms. Also overload ratio of pneumatic actuators is significantly higher then competitors.


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千问 | 2009-2-1 16:50:11 | 显示全部楼层
A.驱动重音或张力分析 为了发现联接的适合的作动器在蜒蜒机器人我们执行了根据机械作动器表现索引比较主要的一个详细的分析我们自己的调查等介绍由Huber [1997年]和补全的。 The原文没有包括电动机。 它也包括气动传动的仅精选的类型。 我们做了关於转台式行动的变革的一些合理的假定对直线运动并且计算了一些电动机的表现索引与导致合理的线性速度和力量的球螺丝传输机制。 我们在表3.也计算了一些块气动力学的风箱和人为气动力学的肌肉的表现索引并且增加了那些结果。 是最接近图3的右上角的Actuators自然地适合与举的重量和在对于蜒蜒机器人是必需的数量级的推进的大量。 动水学的The优越特徵(与灵魂比较)被减少,一旦驱动重音与作动器密度有关。 此外,...

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千问 | 2009-2-1 16:50:11 | 显示全部楼层
A. 驱动重音或张力分析为了发现适合的作动器为联接在蜒蜒机器人我们执行了根据机械作动器表现索引比较主要的一个详细的分析Huber等介绍。 [1997年]由我们自己的调查补全。原文没有包括电动机。 它也包括气动力学的作动器的仅精选的类型。 我们做了一些合理的假定关于转台式行动的变革对直线运动并且计算了表现索引为一些电动机与导致合理的线性速度和力量的球螺丝传...

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千问 | 2009-2-1 16:50:11 | 显示全部楼层
动应力/应变分析 为了找到最适合驱动器的机器人关节蛇纹石,我们完成了一次详细的分析是基于比较的性能指标的机械传动装置,介绍了胡贝尔等人。 [ 1997 ]和补充我们自己的调查。 原来的文件没有包括电动机。它还包括只能选择类型的气动执行器。我们提出了一些合理的假设的旋转运动转变为直线运动,并计算出了性能指标的一些电动马达与滚珠丝杆传动机构,产生合理的线...

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千问 | 2009-2-1 16:50:11 | 显示全部楼层
A. 刺激压迫力│紧张分析为了要找最好的-适合了主动器因为蛇的机械手的关节我们运行了大概以被毂等人〔1997] 介绍而且因我们自己调查而补助的机械主动器的表现指标的比较为基础的一项详细的分析。最初的纸没有包括电的马达。它也包含了唯一的选择空气主动器的类型。我们有关对线的运动旋转运动的变形制造了一些合理的假定而且为一些电的马达,用生产的球螺丝钉传输机制...

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