
查看11 | 回复5 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The flow element for inlet water flow shall be a laboratory-calibrated flow nozzle.
All differential pressure elements shall be completely provided with insulation or process valves, 3way manifold and drainage valves incorporated with the instrument.
Flow meters of positive displacement shall be used for measurement in gas or fuel oil.
For industrial water service, volumetric meter Woltmann mill type shall be used; body material shall be painted cast iron, connection shall be flanged with suitable rating; double magnetic transmission shall be provided so that only the mill is in water contact; the interface with DCS shall be a pulse transmitter type with voltage free type contact.
For demi-water service, volumetric meter Woltmann mill type shall be used; it shall be of the same as above requirements but, with body internal coating, suitable for demi-water application.
In general, feed-water flow meters will be temperature compensated when the water temperature is greater than approximately 120 °C; steam flow meters shall be always temperature and/or pressure compensated; air flow measurements will be temperature compensated. Compensation calculations are performed by the DCS.
Where compensation by density, temperature or pressure has to be performed, these
measurement shall be taken next to the installed flow meter.
Invoicing meters, shall have to be mounted with all adequate elements for his function. They’ll have to be documented with calibration certificates of an approved laboratory. His precision should be comprehended between ± 0.1 %.
Flow nozzles and orifices are installed in meter runs having twenty (20) diameters minimum of straight pipe upstream and five (5) diameters minimum of straight pipe downstream of the flow element.
Nozzles and Venturi flow type will meet +2.0% and orifices meet a maximum of +1.5% of reading accuracy over a 4:1 flow turndown ratio without laboratory calibration when installed in the meter runs.
The bodies of the meter shall be made of a material resistant to the corrosive (if any) effect of the process fluid where it is installed.
Meter-runs are of the same material and design strength as the pipe called out in the document 507E06/L8(VVA)000-33M002 (Piping Specification); straightening vanes are not used to shorten required lengths of straight pipe
Sizing, construction and installation of the flow elements shall conform the recommendations of ISO 5167 standard and. orifice metering flanges shall be minimum ANSI 300 Class; beta ratios are maintained between 0.3 and 0.7.


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千问 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
对进气道流元件应laboratory-calibrated水流流喷嘴。 所有压差的元素将全部用绝缘或过程的阀门,阀门和排水3way流形与仪器。 对容积式流量计用于测量气体或燃油。 用于工业用水、体积米Woltmann作坊式应采用;身体材料应画铸铁、连接法兰与之相适应的评分应;双磁传动,所以只应提供你的公司,因生产工厂在水接触;界面与DCS应与电压型脉冲发射器自由型联络。 对于demi-water服务、体积米Woltmann作坊式应使用;它应该是一样的,但是有上述要求身体内部的涂料,适合demi-water应用。 一般来说,给水流量计的温度补偿时,将水的温度比约120℃;蒸汽流量计应当总是温度和/或压力补偿,气流将温度补偿测量。补偿计...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
【手工译文】 进水流量元件应为经实验室标定的流量喷头。 所有差压元件都应配有隔离阀或过程阀、三通歧管以及配仪器使用的排水阀。 应使用容积流量计来测量天然气或燃油的流量。 对工业用水,应使用容积式螺翼水表。表体材料应涂铸铁,采用适当级别的法兰连接方式。应使用双磁传动机制,这样元件中只有磨轮与水接触。与DCS的接口应为脉冲发射器,其所...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
要素的流动进水流应实验室校准流喷嘴。 所有差压内容应完全提供绝缘或进程阀, 3way多方面和排水阀结合的手段。 流量计积极流离失所应被用于测量气体或燃油。 工业用水服务,体积米Woltmann厂类型,应使用;体材料须髹铸铁,法兰连接,应适当的评价;双磁性传动应提供这样的工厂,只有在水的接触;与DCS系统的接口应脉冲发射型电压自由接触型。 ...

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-3-10 10:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
It would be translated less than US$100...

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