求翻译 英译汉3

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Antoine Berman has called attention to the hermeneutical paradigm introduced here, the emphasis on translation as an object of textual interpretation and a means of interpersonal communication,“a method of intersubjective encounter”(“un processus de rencontre intersubjectif”)(Berman 1984:235). And this makes communication the criterion by which methodological choices are validated and authentic translation distinguished from inauthentic. Schleiermacher in fact finds only two methods of effecting the domestic reader’s understanding of the foreign author:“Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him”(74). Schleiermacher privileges the first method, making the targetlanguage reader travel abroad, and he describes the authentic translator’s “aim” in social terms, with translation offering an understanding of the foreign text that is not merely ethnocentric, but relative to a specific social group:
the translator must therefore take as his aim to give his reader the same image and the same delight which the reading of the work in the original language would afford any reader educated in sunch a way that we call him, in the better sense of the word, the lover and the expert(“Leibhaber und Kenner/amateur et connaisseur”), the type of reader who is familiar with the foreign language while it yet always remains foreign to him: he no longer has to think every single part in his mother tongue, as schoolboys do, before he can grasp the whole, but he is still conscious of the difference between that language and his mother tongue, even where he enjoys the beauty of the foreign work in total peace.
(Lefevere 1977:76)


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安托万伯曼呼吁注意阐释范式介绍,将重点放在翻译作为对象的文字解释和人际沟通的手段, “主体间的一种方法遇到的” ( “联合国突日论战intersubjectif ” ) (伯尔曼1984:235 ) 。这使得通信的标准,其中验证方法的选择和真正的翻译有别于不真实。施莱尔马赫在事实认定中只有两个方法是影响国内读者了解外国作者: “要么离开翻译作者在和平,尽可能多的读者和行动对他或他离开读者在和平,尽可能和动作的作者对他的“ ( 74 ) 。施莱尔马赫特权第一种方法,使出国旅行targetlanguage读者,他介绍了真实的翻译的“目的”的社会条件,提供了一个了解翻译的外国文字,不仅是种族中心主义的,但相对于一个特定的社会群体: 翻译,因此必须考虑他的...

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