
查看11 | 回复5 | 2009-3-9 23:11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The number of children being overweight continues to increase in England with the biggest rise seen among primary school children, According to a report published by the Department of Health.
New figures showed the weight problems among children aged two to ten years old rose from 9.9% in 1995 to 13.7% in 2003. The biggest increase happened among those aged eight to ten years old---from 11.2% in 1995 to 16.5% in 2003.
The children who were overweight rose from 22.7% in 1995 to 27.7% in 2003, according to the study by the National Center for Social Research. The research found a link between the levels of poverty and poor nutrition. Weight problems were 5% higher among children living in poor areas (16.4%) than those living in the poorest ones.(11.2%).
Weight levels in different areas in 2001~2002 showed the highest rates in the northeast (18.3%) and in London (18.2%). The lowest levels were seen in Yorkshire and the Humber(11.4%) and the southeast of England(13.4%) Weight problems were more common in children in living in inner-city areas.
The figures also showed that 19.8% of youngsters living in households where both parents were also overweight, compared to 6.7% in home where parents did not have a weight problem. Weight problems were similar for boys and girls. For boys aged two to ten, levels rose from 9.6% in 1995 to 14.9% in 2003. For girls the rate rose from 10.3% to 12.5%.
Last year the government published its public measures that included increasing sporting activities in schools to fight weight problems among children. Ministers recently made plans to improve the quality of school dinners following Jamie Oliver’s TV series, which found that children’s health improved greatly after their school took junk food out of their menus.
46. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The overweight children of eight years old increased from 11.2% in 1995 to 16.5% in 2003.
B. The overweight children rose from 22.7% in 1995 to 27.7% in 2003.
C. The overweight girls aged two to ten rose from 10.3% in 1995 to 12.5% in 2003.
D. The weight problems among children aged two to ten years old rose from 9.9% in 1995 to 13.7% in 2003.
47. According to this passage, weight problems in children were not much related to ________.
A. their parents
B. the place where they lived
C. the food they eat
D. their sex
48. What can’t you know from the passage?
A. Both boys and girls aged two to ten have similar weight problems.
B.Compared to boys aged two to ten, girls are similar to boys.
C. Weight problems in youngsters aren’t connected with their households.
D. Youngsters who have weight problems have something to do with their overweight parents.


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千问 | 2009-3-9 23:11:36 | 显示全部楼层
超重儿童的数量不断增加在英格兰的最大增长出现在小学的孩子,根据一项发表的报告卫生部门。 新的数据显示,体重问题岁儿童中两到十岁上升至9.9%,于2003年在1995年增长13.7%。最大的增长发生在8岁到十岁——从11.2% 2003年在1995年到16.5%。 这个孩子都超重,从1995年增长了27.7% 22.7%,根据2003年中心研究动向。研究还发现,它们之间的贫困和营养不良。体重问题儿童生活在高5%贫困地区(16.4%)比生活在贫困的。(11.2%不等)。 重量级别,在不同的领域在2001 ~ 2002年的最高利率在显示(18.3%)和东北在伦敦(18.2%)。最低水平在约克郡和亨伯(11.4%)和英国(占13.4%),体重问题更...

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千问 | 2009-3-9 23:11:36 | 显示全部楼层
讲的是儿童肥胖的问题答案似乎应该是 D D B,不太确定...

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