
查看11 | 回复1 | 2006-1-23 07:47:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
when i love you again when i love you again, i frequently got turned down you dont know at the time me, see you leaving with a smile but when i love you again, i was hurt and disappointed you dont know at the time me, was no longer hurt by you let me stop in this moment, and rewind to when i once loved you let me stop in this moment,let you, let you, let you go when i love you again, i was hurt and disappointed you dont know at the time me, was no longer hurt by you oh~~~oh~~ when i love you again, i frequently got turned down but when i love you again, i was hurt and disappointed let me stop in this moment, and rewind to when i once loved you let me stop in this moment,and say only one thing in my life: I really, really love you deeply.

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千问 | 2006-1-23 07:47:59 | 显示全部楼层
When I love again youWhen I love again you.But were were are unfrequented by you by a time per time,You but not I know at that time.See you take the smile but lead. But I love again your time.It have in the heart how much lose and distress. You but not I know at that time, were no longer are piercing by you is ILet me stop over this a moment, look back to love your time againLet me stop over this a moment, let you, let you, let you walkWhen I love again you.But were were are unfrequented by you by a time per time,You but not I know at that time, were no longer are piercing by you is Ioh~~~oh~~~ When I love again you.But were were are unfrequented by you by a time per timeWhen I love again you.It have in the heart how much lose and distressLet me stop over this a moment, look back to love your time againLet me stop over this a moment, the this present life present life thinks only of to say: I really and really love you very much!

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