
查看11 | 回复2 | 2006-2-5 16:27:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
其实最好的说法是a pencil in her hand.但是选项没有.用排除,B肯定不对,C除非上下文说到了某只铅笔,不应该特指铅笔.A其实基本上可以说通,如果第二个变成One.D也不是很好,你可以理解为"pencil in hand"是一种状态,所以pencil不用加冠词.不过我不喜欢D,如果非要选一个我也可能会选A,总之,这道题出的不是特别好.

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千问 | 2006-2-5 16:27:38 | 显示全部楼层
你可能会想,名词不能单独出现,前面必须有a/the的啊。可是,这里就是这样简洁,pencil in hand,为什么?1.in hand已成为固定用法,在手头。如hand in hand手拉手2.后半句要么是啰里啰唆的with a pencil in her hand,要么是一干二净的pencil in hand.建议把这句话多读几遍,以增强语感。

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2006-2-5 16:27:38 | 显示全部楼层
答案是D,没错.这是一个独立主格结构独立主格结构是一个独立主格的名词或代词(作为逻辑主格),加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语。其作用相当于状语,多用来表示行为、方式或伴随的情况,有时也用来表示时间和条件。这种结构多用在书面语中。 一、几种常见的独立主格结构形式 1.名词(或代词)+现在分词(或过去分词)。如: 1)The moon appearing,they decided to go on with theirjouney. 2)Good-bye said,he went home. 2.名词(或代词)+形容词。如: 3)The weather(being)hot,we all went swimming. 3.名词(或代词)+不定式。如: 4)Some of the money to be paid by the thief, the policewent. 4.名词(或代词)+介词短语。如: 5)He climbed in,sword in hand. 5.名词(或代词)+副词。如: 6)The meeting(being)over, we left the room. 独立主格结构的模式是: 主格名词/代词 + 分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 (作逻辑主语) (作逻辑谓语) 1. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs. 2. The question settled, we went home. 3. The river having risen in the night, the crossing was impossible. 主格名词/代词 + 分词 (过去分词/现在分词) 主格名词/代词 + 形容词 1. His mother being ill, he had to stay home to look after her. 2. Other things being equal, I would buy the black dress. 主格名词/代词 + 副词 The meeting being over, our headmaster soon left the meeting-room. We to care for the children, you are able to be carefree away from home. 主格名词/代词 + 不定式 主格名词/代词 +介词短语 Our English teacher came into the classroom, papers in hand. with复合结构 与 独立主格结构 它们都可以在句中作原因状语,伴随状况状语,条件状语,时间状语或结果状语用,一般也可以相互转换.虽然它们的语法功能和意义相同,但其结构形式和名称却不相同. with复合结构的模式是: with+名词/代词+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 独立主格结构的模式是: 主格名词/代词+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 一,作时间状语 1,With winter coming on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south. =Winter coming on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south. 二,作原因状语 1,With the weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. = The weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. 2,With the key having been lost, she could not enter the room. = The key having been lost, she could not enter the room. 三,作条件状语 1,With time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace. = Time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace. 2,With the car going wrong, we'll have to stop at the foot of the mountain. = The car going wrong, we'll have to stop at the foot of the mountain. 四,作伴随状语 1,The mother was cleaning the house with her baby playing on the bed. =The mother was cleaning the house, her baby playing on the bed. 2,Last night I followed him, with a sword in my hand. = Last night I followed him , sword in hand. 无论with复合结构还是独立主格结构,都不可有动词的谓语形式充当其中的逻辑谓语.如下例中的was就必须去掉: He sat at the desk reading with a pen was in his right hand. with复合结构可以作后置定语修饰名词,而独立主格结构则不可作后置定语修饰名词. Soon she arrived at a park with grass green and flowers in blossom. = Soon she arrived at a park whose grass was green and whose flowers were in blossom.

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