
查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-7-15 16:53:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
You are not alone(你并不孤单)!!>
2.Heal The World治愈世界
3.Stranger In Moscow陌生人在莫斯科
4.We Are The World 四海一家
5.Earth Song地球之歌快歌:1.Billie Jean比利.金
2.They Don t Care About Us他们不是真的关心我们
3.Jam摇滚:1:give in to me向我屈服
2:come together再次一起强烈推荐:man in the mirror镜中人.这首歌是自述型立志歌曲,在危险演唱会中的最后一首歌,建议去看看现场视频,很投入,很感人~~MJ的歌以前不了解他这个人,只是觉得还不错,但是了解了之后觉得是那么的不错,简直让人哭让人笑,让人想上吊!billie jean比莉珍dangerous危险black or white是黑是白heal the world治愈世界you are not alone你并不孤单we are the world四海一家bad 真棒they don't care about us他们不关心我们man in the mirror镜中人earth song地球之歌remember the time记住这一刻the girl is mine这女孩是我的will you be there你会守侯我身边?who is it是谁beat it走开smooth criminal犯罪高手blood on the dance floor血洗舞池下面是小时候的:i'll be there我会在那儿(生硬。。)i want you back我想让你回来(生硬。。)abc这一首和下面的没法翻ben (人名)music and me 音乐和我中文歌名没意思。。。还是要原版的。。。

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千问 | 2009-7-15 16:53:14 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2009-7-15 16:53:14 | 显示全部楼层
Heal the world(拯救地球)。dangerous(危险)。thriller(颤栗)。Beat it(避开)。billie jean(这是一个人的名字)。Jam(拥挤)。Who is it(他是谁)。Black or white黑与白)on the line(在线)。You are not alone(你不孤单)。Will you be there(你会在这里吗?)好多呢。说不过来呀!这些都是比较经典的了~还有好多经典的。看你喜欢什么样子的了。建议你可以去搜搜~

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千问 | 2009-7-15 16:53:14 | 显示全部楼层
是childhood!!!!!!歌词是Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I'm searching for the world that I come from 我正在寻觅自己生命的本源 'Cause I've been looking around 因为我曾在身边找遍 In the lost and found of my heart... 也陷入过心灵的得失之间 No one understands me 了解我的人仍未出现 They view it as such strange eccentricities... 人们认为我做着古怪的表演 'Cause I keep kidding around 只因我总显出出孩子般的一面 Like a child, but pardon me... 但请对我宽容一点 People say I'm not okay 有人说我不正常很明显 'Cause I love such elementary things... 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It's been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I've never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I'm searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like pirates and adventurous dreams, 比如海盗和征服冒险 Of conquest and kings on the throne... 宝座上的国王你是否也曾梦见 Before you judge me, try hard to love me, 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 Look within your heart then ask, 审视你的内心,向自己发问 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 People say I'm strange that way 有人说我有奇特的表现 'Cause I love such elementary things, 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It's been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I've never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I'm searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like fantastical stories to share 好像分享幻想故事还有神仙 The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... 我那些大胆的梦想啊,看我飞上了蓝天 Before you judge me, try hard to love me. 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 The painful youth I've had 我痛苦的儿时记忆仍在绵延 Have you seen my Childhood.... 你可见过我的童年

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