
查看11 | 回复1 | 2006-3-22 17:56:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
E-commerce refers to the use of digital data exchange and electronic commerce for business operations. E-commerce system is the parties involved commercial activities, including shops, consumers, banks and financial institutions, companies or securities companies and government information, the use of computer networking technology to the full realization of online electronic transaction process. The key lies in the e-commerce system online payment function fully realized, so in order to successfully complete the process Yi, the need to establish e-commerce services, electronic transaction to the payment methods and mechanisms, but did participate in the transaction that the parties and partners were able to have safe and reliable manner for all commercial activities. Since e-commerce is in the Internet and other networks, the network is the most basic framework for electronic commerce;e-commerce also stressed to the system software and hardware, participate in the transaction buyer, the seller, banks or financial institutions, manufacturers, enterprises and all partners must be in the Internet, Intranet, convergence close together, common in network computing environment in the commercial electronic applications.

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千问 | 2006-3-22 17:56:11 | 显示全部楼层
3.2 electronic commerce solution of three layer constructionIn the electronic commerce ages, customer applied have already the client/ server of the change, tradition of the root is take placed the mode can't have already enough adapt to the traditional business enterprise, telecommunication, isp the request, electronic commerce that applied of smoothly and efficiently circulate the demand in the calculation mode to go forward the line to afresh divide the line.Produce the representative factory of the domestic server the association of thought to already and completely turn to face developments of the Chinese electronic commerce this year, and carry the database the support the service to provide the product of the whole series after set upping formerly carry to connect into the service, inside carry apply the service with for the electronic commerce with the solution, set up for customer three electronic commerce of construction layer system.

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