
查看11 | 回复1 | 2009-8-10 14:40:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我打了两个小时啊希望能得分!Dell Computer Corporation as young as 39-year-old chairman, Michael Dell, the company he has the marketing year amounted to around 41.4 billion U.S. dollars, personal property up to more than 170 billion U.S. dollars, is in the forefront of the world's richest people list. Since 2000, the U.S. computer and network industries characterized by low IT sectors from spiraling into a major computer company's sales are in trouble, and only Dell thriving sales did not fall but rise, and won the National as well as the world's largest personal computer suppliers in the world. By 2003, its total U.S. personal computer market share has risen to 16.9%, one more than the combined HP and Compaq Corporation, to consolidate the leading position. Dell to the brilliant achievements made so secret in fact very simple, that is, Dell's innovative direct sales model, which was regarded as a classic of modern business model. The implication is: directly through the website and phone orders from customers, and then by a single production, and the fastest speed of the product sent directly to our customers. By a single assembly, product marketing, low-cost, high efficiency, that is, Dell created the "Dell model" of the essence. The key to efficient low-cost core Dell often been compared to Wal-Mart of the computer industry and McDonald's Corporation. In the procurement and inventory management, similar to Wal-Mart, Dell Inc., to emphasize the low inventory and low prices. And in the production processes are more like McDonald's, the "order" and the smooth lines. Giant three companies which in common is that they are the industry leader, is the secret of its success: low-cost, high efficiency and low price. Dell has always been a low-cost rules of survival, but also "Dell model" of the core, and low-cost, high efficiency must be achieved. Regardless of inventory, order, or sales and service, Dell's all around the search for lower cost products to the functioning of the highest purpose. One of the most well-known that Dell's production and sales process, this unique management process for its precision, flowing smooth and ultra-high efficiency, dramatically reducing the cost, but also created a low-cost products. Dell's policy to achieve zero inventory, product inventory is not more than two hours, relatively speaking, the average stock of other companies in 80 days time. Dell is the actual assembly of a large company, they are not specific products, all parts are there from other manufacturers procurement, therefore the company to concentrate on production lines to streamline processes, increase productivity and reduce costs. Dell's focus on ways to simplify the process and operators have 550 patents, is to rely on these patents, the production and marketing processes to ensure high-speed and efficient operation. These patents is the other companies can not really learn "Dell model" the essence of the greatest contributing factors. Is a simple way to improve the efficiency of Dell's main practice. Dell telephone sales process breaks down into 8 simple steps; in the production process, workers in the network and telephone orders, assembled by a single product, an automated assembly line can be 600 per computer. Parts from one end of the production line to send in, I finished the assembly has been completed, immediately handed over to wait in line the other side of the transport truck packing distribution centers to customers, and then delivered by the postal company customers. Dell's sales staff and assembly workers, like everyone was like screw in a fixed position closely and concentrate on work, little interference. Dell employees allegedly productivity of other employees of the 4 times. In order to increase profits, Dell is also proficient in terms of quantitative management will penetrate into all business processes. Dell to launch each new product in all aspects of both the need for strict calculation of the cost, which will always cost to a minimum extent. Groves兰迪格Dell's chief technology officer, said Dell's direct sales through the inventory and the average lower than the adversary 10% of the cost. In other words, if the price of a computer is 500 U.S. dollars, then the same Dell computer as long as the price of 450 U.S. dollars. The difference in profits is not high sales of the computer market, Dell's price advantage is evident. Good to guarantee the credibility of the service Than technology, but more than Dell, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, Dell itself, because the basic product does not own, so do not attach importance to R & D work, Dell is usually operated by the standardization of technology products. Dell's annual R & D investment in the product is only 440 million U.S. dollars, much lower than HP's more than 40 billion dollars. But Dell is also a technology to circumvent the threshold to become a provider of products and vendors, almost all the energy used for stressed products to meet customer needs, establish their own brand of services and goods. Dell has a good quality guarantee system. Dell products assembly of individual responsibility, that is, each worker is responsible for all of the product assembly and testing work, this individual is responsible for Dell's quality management system is an important part. Dell products a problem if the company as long as customers lodge a complaint with the product serial number available, can be found as soon as those responsible for the product. Therefore, Dell employees are very dedicated and meticulous to ensure the quality. Of course, the Dell workers in the labor attaches great importance to enhancing the efficiency of high intensity work, but it is not a sweatshop. Dell has also attached great importance to after-sales service, which won the company brand reputation and maintenance of a good magic weapon. Looking for market diversification and expansion into Efficiency alone can not fully explain Dell contrarian in a short span of 5 years strong, marketing for the real reason for doubling. Dell's chief operating officer Kevin Rollins said Dell is an important way to win: always accurately identify the market entry point for high-tech products, and then the "Dell model" of low-cost and high-volume sales of the advantages of an overwhelming each other. I also said Dell, Dell is always able to identify the most appropriate timing of the "Dell model" to a successful application of appropriate products. He was confident that all high-tech products came to the popularity of the course from the middle there are the same laws, there is a period the most suitable starting point. He explained that a high-tech products in the market just when, because of small producers, the market did not mature, not to establish industry standards, so dealers are often very high prices, profit margins are usually 40% -50% between, thus the large number of consumers out, and this is often the entry point for Dell. In the consolidation of the personal computer market leader, the Dell personal computer industry in the foreseeable becoming saturated cases, proposed an ambitious surprised the industry diversification of development models. Dell said its highly efficient "Dell model" for the backing, and expand new markets and accelerate the pace of expansion, the goal is to build an all-inclusive hardware Kingdom. Dell is currently the focus of developing business computers, storage systems, network switching products and IT services in areas such as new markets, its sales are no longer limited to personal computers, just one after another into the high-end portable computers, servers, network storage systems, workstations , switches, PDAs, printers, cash registers and other new products. However, Dell's going to accelerate the diversification and expansion of roads also lead to some analysts questioned. They believe that sales of low-cost personal computers to the Dell started too ambitious at present, there are贪大求全suspected, and its diversification Road that could lead to empty their property, loss of customer groups and competitive advantage; At the same time, Dell will be selling many of the original partners continuously is converted to a powerful opponent, the competitive environment will be even worse, leading to its decline towards. In addition, Dell is the Achilles heel has always been dependent on the technical side to others, their lack of invention. Despite the challenge facing eyes, the young of this dismissive Dell. He said that in order to maintain the rapid development of the company must continuously expand new areas, Dell believes that as long as dependent on the "Dell model", Dell will be able in the complexity of these relatively new markets in the same success. He said: "We do not rely on economies of scale and to win, we win because we have a better business model."参考资料:http://www.gci-corp.com/Article/rlzy/200611/49886.html


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