
查看11 | 回复3 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
整个运行过程如下,每当数据库提示Identity field 'sa_id' must be a numeric with a scale of 0 and not null allowe后sybase就不正常了,以后执行任何操作都block这里.
这是什么原因,有人知道吗。我是个sybase 新手。
环境为sybase ase 12.5 + linux
2> IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 't_sales')
3>DROP TABLE t_sales
4> GO
2> CREATE TABLE t_sales (
3> sa_id
int identity,
4> sa_name
Varchar(120) ,
5> discount
Numeric(5,0) default 1,
6> CONSTRAINT pk_t_sales PRIMARY KEY (sa_name)
7> )
8> GO
Msg 2764, Level 16, State 2:
Server 'accunetsvr', Line 2:
Identity field 'sa_id' must be a numeric with a scale of 0 and not null
1> IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 't_sales')
2>DROP TABLE t_sales
3> GO
2> CREATE TABLE t_sales (
3> sa_id
numeric(20,0) identity,
4> sa_name
Varchar(120) ,
5> discount
Numeric(5,0) default 1,
6> CONSTRAINT pk_t_sales PRIMARY KEY (sa_name)
7> )
8> GO
3> select * from t_sales
4> go

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
CREATE TABLE t_sales (
3> sa_id numberic(10,0)[/COLOR]identity,
4> sa_name Varchar(120) ,
5> discount Numeric(5,0) default 1,
6> CONSTRAINT pk_t_sales PRIMARY KEY (sa_name)
7> )
8> GO

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
Identity columns (sometimes referred to as "auto-increment" columns) remain a somewhat controversial topic in ASE: while the functionality is very useful, the implementation in ASE leaves quite a few things to be desired. In practice, this means that there is a risk of running into "identity gaps" : these are occasions where the identity value suddenly make large jumps, like from 10031 to 5000002 instead of to 10032, usually as a result of a shutdown with nowait.
Because shutdown with nowait cannot always be avoided, identity gaps may occur at some point, and they can cause real problems for applications that are not expecting such large numbers.
It is unfortunate that ASE does not have any features to make repairing an identity gap easy: the repair procedure documented by Sybase is a bit clumsy and can cause significant application downtime (it requires a full BCP-out and BCP-in of the table). For this reason, some developers or DBAs have decided not to use identity columns at all.
The problems caused by identity gaps can actually be limited; the precise method depends on your ASE version:
1)When running ASE 12.0 or later, you should use the identity_gap feature for each table with an identity column to limit the size of possible identity gaps. Details are described here . 见文1
2)For all ASE versions, you can design your data model in such a way that identity gaps will never occur.见文2

A better method for dealing with "identity gaps"
A well-known feature of Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise is the "identity column". Identity columns are useful because they automatically generate consecutive numeric values upon insertion of new rows, while having minimal impact on performance.
A disadvantage of using identity columns is that so-called "identity gaps" may occasionally occur. Identity gaps are large, sudden jumps in the value of an identity column, which often cause problems for applications.
Unfortunately, there is currently no quick or easy way of repairing an identity gap. The standard remedy as recommended by Sybase Technical Support can be rather time-consuming, which may result in unacceptable, hour-long application downtime. For this reason, DBA’s or developers sometimes prefer to avoid the use of identity columns for applications with high availability requirements.
This article presents a database design technique that allows identity gaps to be fixed easily and quickly, taking no more than a few seconds. With this approach, full advantage can be taken of the functionality of identity columns, while minimising the impact on application availability in case identity gaps need to be repaired.
What "identity gaps" look like
To illustrate the problems related to identity gaps, let’s assume the following simplified database design for storing invoice data:
create table invoices
(invoice_nr numeric(10,0) identity,
customer_nr int,
amount money)
/* insert new invoice */
insert invoices (customer_nr, amount)
values (@new_customer, @new_amount)
This involves a database table named invoices , having an identity column called invoice_nr. When a new invoice is created, the customer number and the amount payable are inserted into the invoices table. No value is specified for the invoice_nr column, as this value will automatically be generated as a result of the identity property. The value assigned to the new invoice number will be 1 higher than the previous invoice number that was generated. This way, identity columns automatically generate unique, consecutive numbers which make ideal primary keys in database systems.
An identity gap has occurred when there is a large, unexpected jump in the value of an identity column, like in this example:
1> select invoice_nr from invoices order by 1
2> go
(1033 rows affected)
For some reason, the invoice inserted after nr. 10031 was not assigned number 10032 as was expected. Instead, the invoice number jumps to 5000002 and continues to count up from there. This phenomenon is referred to as an "identity gap".
Such discontinuities in identity values are often a serious application problem. For example, some applications might not be able to handle invoice numbers of more than, say, 6 digits. Indeed, identity gaps are usually discovered because of application errors resulting from the unexpected high values in an identity column.
From the point of view of a DBA or end-user, identity gaps are almost always inconvenient, and should often be fixed immediately.
It should be noted here that it is always possible that some individual identity column values are missing. This can happen when the transaction containing the insert operation is rolled back: the identity value that was already issued for this rolled-back row will not be re-used and therefore never show up as an invoice number.
In this article, an "identity gap" refers to a gap of a large number of units, and not to individual missing identity column values.
Why "identity gaps" occur
Identity gaps can occur following a rough server shutdown ("shutdown with nowait&quot

or a crash of the server process. This is related to the algorithm the server uses to generate identity column values: essentially, a counter is kept in server memory, holding the identity value most recently issued. When a new row is inserted, this counter is incremented and the resulting value is assigned to the identity column in that row. While the new data row itself is written to disk, the new value of the in-memory counter is not. Only when the server is shut down in a normal way, this value is saved on disk.
This algorithm makes the identity feature very fast, because no I/O is required to generate a new value. On the other hand, should the value of the in-memory counter be lost, as is the case for a server crash or a "shutdown with nowait", it is not possible to continue at the next identity value, because the last issued value was not saved anywhere. In this case, the server will continue generating identity values starting at some much higher value - which is what creates the identity gap.
Exactly at which higher value the server picks up, is determined by the configuration parameter "identity burning set factor", which, to a certain extent, can be used to limit the maximum possible size of an identity gap. However, because this a server-wide setting, it is not possible to apply this to individual tables.
See the ASE System Administration Guide and Technical Document #20113 at for a detailed description of how to use this configuration parameter.
In view of these underlying technicalities, the risk of running into identity gaps could be seen as the price one has to pay for the high performance offered by the identity column feature. Also, it is clear that this risk cannot be completely excluded. DBA’s should be aware of this, and be prepared to perform recovery procedures.
Fixing "identity gaps" the slow, classical way
Let’s assume that, once an identity gap has occurred, it should be repaired as soon as possible. Basically, this involves the following two actions:
Updating those rows which have received very high values in their identity columns to the correct values that should have been generated instead. In the above example, 5000002 and 5000003 should be changed to 10032 and 10033, respectively.
Resetting the value of the identity column downwards, so that a correct value generated when the next row is inserted (10034 in the example).
Unfortunately, none of these actions can be performed directly. The DBA is not allowed to update the value of an identity column in an existing row, nor can the value of future identity values be modified downwards. Therefore, the only available procedure to fix a situation where identity gaps have occurred has been the following:
Switch on the identity_insert option for the invoices table with the following statement:
set identity_insert invoices on
This will allow an explicit value to be specified for the identity column in an insert statement. Note that this option can be enabled for only one table at a time.

For all rows with problematic 'high' identity values, delete the row and re-insert it with the proper value one would have liked to see there in the first place, effectively performing an update. In the example, this would update invoice numbers 5000002 and 5000003 to 10032 and 10033, respectively.

BCP the invoices table to a file, say invoices.bcp .

Drop and re-create the invoices table. Note that dropping the table will implicitly switch off the identity_insert option.

BCP the invoices.bcp file back into the invoices table using the BCP -E option (for identity insert).

Rebuild any indexes on the table, if applicable.

Applying this procedure to a multi-million row, real-life-size application table could well take a few hours, during which the invoicing application is unavailable. In many cases, end-users and management would probably find this situation unacceptable and ask their DBA unsettling questions as to why this problem could not have been avoided.
Even though this will hopefully remain a rare incident, there is always a possibility that such a repair procedure may have to be performed, because the risk of identity gaps just cannot be fully excluded. For this reason, DBA’s or developers sometimes choose not to use identity columns at all for applications with high availability requirements, because this could lead to unacceptable application downtime.
The above is not a far-fetched or hypothetical scenario: with a certain regularity, cries for help are posted in the Usenet newsgroup comp.databases.sybase by DBA’s suddenly facing an identity gap and who are desperate for a quick solution. Unfortunately, Sybase has not felt it necessary to implement additional functionality for making the process of fixing identity gaps easier, leaving DBA’s with nothing but the rather clumsy procedure described above.
A better way of repairing identity gaps
We will now look at a database design approach that allows DBA's to fix identity gaps quickly, in a matter of seconds or, in the very worst case, minutes.
The first step to achieve this is to use two database tables instead of one: the application table invoices plus a separate keytable named invoices_keytable.
create table invoices_keytable
(dummy_key numeric(10,0) identity)

create table invoices
(invoice_nr numeric(10,0),
customer_nr int,
amount money)
Note that the invoice_nr column is no longer an identity column, but a ordinary column of datatype numeric. The identity column has moved to table invoices_keytable , which contains just this one column and nothing else. The purpose of this identity column, named dummy_key , still is to generate key values for new invoices, but in a slightly different way than before.
When creating a new invoice, first a new invoice number is generated by inserting an "empty" row into invoices_keytable . The identity value assigned to the dummy_key column in this row is then automatically available through the global, session-specific variable @@identity . This invoice number is then used to insert the actual new invoice data into the invoices table:
/* insert an "empty" row to generate new invoice number */
insert invoices_keytable values ()
/* use identity value as key value for new row */
insert invoices (invoice_nr, customer_nr, amount)
values (@@identity, @new_customer, @new_amount)
This two-step way of inserting a new invoice is functionally identical to the "classical" situation where the invoice_nr column in the invoices table would have the identity property. Also, identity gaps can still occur in this design, with the same consequences for the application as before. However, once this happens, this new approach offers a much better way to repair the identity gap. A DBA should then take the following steps:
Update the invoices table using a normal update statement:
update invoices
set invoice_nr = 10032
where invoice_nr = 5000002

Contrary to the "classical" approach, this update will work because the invoice_nr column is not an identity column, but a normal column (NB: a similar statement is required for correcting invoice 5000003).
Drop and re-create invoices_keytable . No data is lost here, because the data rows in this table do not contain any useful information.

Reset the identity column value in invoices_keytable with the following statements:
set identity_insert invoices_keytable on
insert invoices_keytable (dummy_key) values (10033)
set identity_insert invoices_keytable off

The effect of these statements is that for the next row that will be inserted, the identity value generated will be 10034, which is exactly what the next invoice number should be. This is because the statement set identity_insert ... on allows an explicit identity value to be inserted in dummy_key column of invoices_keytable . If this value is higher than the highest identity value issued, the identity value is adjusted upwards. Because this mechanism doesn’t work in a downward direction, the table must be re-created first to make this trick work.
Of these three steps, the last two will always be very fast; these should take no more than a few seconds. The first step (updating the invoices table) should normally not take much time either; in case there are many invoice numbers that need to be corrected, this should still not take longer than a few minutes in the worst case.
The obvious way of implementing this reparation procedure is to put these actions in a stored procedure. In case an identity gap is found, the DBA just needs to execute this procedure and the problem will be fixed automatically. An example of such a stored procedure can be found below
Technical considerations
The first feature that makes this design work is the use of the global variable @@identity , which always holds the identity value assigned most recently in the current session. Because this variable is session-specific, different user sessions can be inserting into the invoices_keytable concurrently, without influencing each other’s @@identity contents.
The table invoices_keytable is used here in an unconventional manner: its only purpose it to quickly obtain a new invoice number in @@identity by inserting an "empty" row. The inserted row itself is not of any interest: the table could be truncated regularly to stop it from growing too large, for example by putting the table on a separate segment and using a threshold procedure.
In this scenario, inserts are performed into two database tables instead of in one table as in the "classic" situation. The extra insert into invoices_keytable is the price to be paid for the increased recoverability of the application. Fortunately, this overhead is very small: first, there is no need for an index on invoices_keytable , because no data will ever be retrieved from this table. Second, the table can be partitioned so that concurrent users will be inserting on different data pages, thus avoiding lock contention. In practice, the extra overhead turns out to be hardly noticeable.
Another point worth mentioning is that the two insert operations do not need to be encapsulated in a transaction. Suppose that the two inserts are indeed part of one transaction, and for some reason it is decided to roll back the insert into invoices . While this will cause no data row to be inserted into invoices_keytable , this will not have any effect on the next identity value to be assigned: once an identity value is issued, it cannot be "given back" or re-used anymore, due to the underlying memory-based algorithm. Therefore, transactional consistency between these two tables is not relevant.
This design technique works in all Sybase versions from 10.0 onwards. Note that table partitioning is only available in version 11.0 and later.
Proactive reparation of identity gaps
Designing a database to allow quick reparation of identity gaps is a major improvement compared to the "classical" situation. Still, it might be preferable to ensure identity gaps will never strike an operational application at any time.
This can be achieved by always running a program directly after server startup, which performs the following actions:
It inserts an "empty" row in invoices_keytable to obtain the next identity value through @@identity .

It retrieves the highest existing key value from the invoices table; hopefully, there would be an index to support this query.

It then compares these two values. If everything is normal, then the difference between these two values is not more than a few units (small gaps can always exist because individual insert operations can have been rolled back). If the difference is bigger than, say 100 units, this means an identity gap exists. A reparation procedure could then be run automatically, which drops and recreates the invoices_keytable.

Note that this check will cause one invoice number value to be missing from invoices , in case no identity gap exists. If this is not desirable, a variation on this procedure is to always rebuild the invoices_keytable, using the highest invoice number from invoices.
Assuming these actions are performed directly after server startup, and before any applications are using the database, an identity gap (if present) will not yet have affected the values in the invoices table because no new invoices have been inserted yet.
The situation will now be corrected immediately before wrong invoice numbers are generated. This ensures that identity gaps do not get a chance to go unnoticed until the first serious application problems start to appear. The downloadable example stored procedure mentioned earlier also works for this situation.

It is possible to avoid the problems caused by identity gaps, the risk of which is implied when identity columns are used. Using the two-table design technique described in this article, identity gaps can be repaired quickly and even automatically, in contrast with the much more inefficient classical approach. This results in a significant improvement in application availability at a negligible performance cost.

* This script contains everything you need to run a demo of how
* to use a two-table database design technique that allows
* identity gaps to be fixed quickly using a stored procedure.
* This script set up the following objects:
*- a table 'invoices', holding application data
*- a table 'invoices_keytable', for generating invoice numbers
*- a procedure 'sp_fix_idgap_invoices' to repair identity gaps
*in the 'invoices' table
*- a procedure 'sp_insert_invoice' to simulate the application
*inserting invoices
if not exists(select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases

where name = "my_db&quot

print "***************************************************"
print "*** You should edit this script first ! ***"
print "*** Change 'my_db' to the name of your database ***"
print "*** in which you want to run this script. ***"
print "***************************************************"
use my_db
* create the application table holding invoice data
if object_id("invoices&quot

drop table invoices
create table invoices
(invoice_nr numeric(10,0),
amount money)
create unique index ix1 on invoices(invoice_nr)
grant all on invoices to public
* Create a separate procedure for creating the keytable.
* This is required because it's not allowed to drop
* and recreate an object with the same name in one procedure
if object_id("invoices_keytable&quot

drop table invoices_keytable
if object_id("sp_create_invoices_keytable&quot

drop procedure sp_create_invoices_keytable
create procedure sp_create_invoices_keytable
/* Copyright (c) 1998 Rob Verschoor/Sypron B.V. */
create table invoices_keytable
(dummy_key numeric(10,0) identity)
* Partitioning only works in system 11.0 and later
* The number of partitions can be increased if there
* will be many concurrent inserts.
alter table invoices_keytable partition 10
grant execute on sp_create_invoices_keytable to public
* create the keytable
exec sp_create_invoices_keytable
* create a procedure to simulate application activity:
* first generate a new invoice number, then insert a new invoice
if object_id("sp_insert_invoice&quot

drop procedure sp_insert_invoice
create procedure sp_insert_invoice
/* Copyright (c) 1998 Rob Verschoor/Sypron B.V. */
@p_customer_nr int,
@p_amount money
insert invoices_keytable values ()
insert invoices values (@@identity, @p_customer_nr, @p_amount)
grant execute on sp_insert_invoice to public
* Create the procedure to fix an identity gap.
* It takes one parameter, and can be called in two ways:
*1. If "-1" is specified as a parameter, the keytable
* will be dropped and recreated according to the highest
* existing invoice number. The best use of this form
* is to always run this procedure directly after server
* startup, so that a possible identity gap is be corrected
* before new invoices are inserted which could cause problems.
*2. If another value is specified, it must be invoice number
* generated just before the identity gap occurred. All invoices
* having a higher invoice numbers than this will be corrected
* downwards to create a consecutive range. The keytable will
* be recreated and adjusted accordingly.
* Example: suppose the following invoice numbers exist:
10031 0
* check the row at lower end of gap exists
select @gap_low = invoice_nr
from invoices
where invoice_nr = @p_gap_low

select @error = @@error, @rows = @@rowcount
if @error != 0
print "Error occurred"
return (-1)
if @rows = 0
print "Could not find invoice number specified."
print "You must specify the last correct invoice number before the identity gap."
return (-1)

select @gap_low_plus_1 = @gap_low + 1

* determine the size of the identity gap
select @gap_high = min(invoice_nr)
from invoices
where invoice_nr > @gap_low
if @@rowcount = 0 or @@error != 0
print "Row at upper end not found or error occurred"
return (-1)
* calculate size of gap; must be > 99 to be
* considered a real identity gap(this is
* an arbitrary limit). Small 'gaplets' of
* non-existing numbers can always exists due to
* rolled-back transactions
select @gap_size = @gap_high - @gap_low

if @gap_size0 */
* determine the highest existing key value
select @gap_max = max(invoice_nr)
from invoices
if @@rowcount = 0 or @@error != 0
print "Error occurred"
return (-1)

* calculate new value for identity column in key table
if @p_gap_low > 0
* now update the application table to correct
* the undesirable high key values
update invoices
set invoice_nr = invoice_nr - @gap_size + 1
where invoice_nr > @gap_low
select @error = @@error, @rows = @@rowcount
if @error != 0 or @rows = 0
print "No rows updated or error occurred"
return (-1)
* tell user what happened
print "%1! invoice numbers have been corrected.", @rows
print "Invoice numbers starting from %1! have been reset to %2! and further.",
@gap_high, @gap_low_plus_1
* value to reset keytable with
select @set_new_idval = @gap_max - @gap_size + 1
* case where keytable will be reset anyway
select @set_new_idval = @gap_max
* drop existing keytable; note that it's not necessary to
* unpartition the table first (like in 11.0), although the
* ASE documentation still says you can't drop a partitioned
* table...
if object_id("invoices_keytable&quot

-- commented out: this statement is not needed
-- alter table invoices_keytable unpartition
drop table invoices_keytable
* now recreate the keytable. This can't be done in
* the same procedure as where the table is dropped, so
* this is done in a separate procedure
exec sp_create_invoices_keytable
* switch identity_insert on for this table
set identity_insert invoices_keytable on
insert invoices_keytable (dummy_key)
values (@set_new_idval)
set identity_insert invoices_keytable off
* ready ...
return (0)
grant execute on sp_fix_idgap_invoices to public
* end of file

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