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千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
开源节流是每一个企业的梦想,尤其是当一个企业,像全球第二大办公家具制造商Haworth那样遭受重大经济打击的时候,更是希望能够尽可能地节约成本。而对制造企业来讲,节约运输和仓储成本恐怕是最重要的环节 之一。看看Haworth是如何改造其供应链的吧!
● 运送需要按正确的顺序装配的多部分产品。
● 适应变化幅度很大的货运量:一天与另一天的货运量会相差10倍。
● 足够灵活,能够适应最后一分钟顾客订单变化。
挑战: 建立在定制版本的iristaWarehouse基础上的仓库管理系统不能适应Haworth的高事务处理量。但是,Haworth的数据库管理员可以与厂商合作解决这个问题。
这两个系统共同管理着Haworth的产品从制造商到交付给顾客全过程的流动。运输管理系统(TMS)由一个叫做NetWorks Transport的优化软件包和一个叫做NetWorks Carrier的运输通信模块构成。这两个产品是由马里兰州Rockville市的Manugistics Group公司提供的。该系统分析顾客订单、工厂进程表、运输公司费率与可用性以及货运成本,然后生成最优的、最低费用交货计划。这些计划每日生成,并每隔15分钟更新一次。该系统还有一个使Haworth可以与其运输商协商交货的自动接口。
仓库管理系统(WMS)是Milwaukee市Irista公司的iristaWarehouse产品的定制版本。该系统跟踪和控制成品从Haworth的三个配送中心的接货站台到顾客位置的流动。按照TMS提供的运货计划,WMS根据空间、设备、库存和人员的实时条件,指挥货物的移动。Haworth全球信息服务副总裁Micheal Moon说,公司在TMS上的目标是从货运角度优化交货过程。这需要制定效率更高的送货路线,将“非满载”的运输减少到最低程度,并且减少货物的损坏。
WMS的目标是利用多种方法减少仓库中的劳动力成本。所采用的方法中包括“货台到货台”,即把发给特定顾客的货物直接从接货货台转移到发货货台,无需登录到系统中,然后再从库存中提出。Moon说,由于多种原因,这是个错综复杂的环境,可不是运送单一货物,像一箱橙子那样简单的事情。Moon边挥动手臂指着模块化办公室边说: “拿这个标准的工作站来说吧。有墙壁、有桌子、有吊顶文件柜等东西。所有这些东西可能来自不同的制造场地,最后在配发中心集中,然后依次以安装顺序运到顾客那里。也许这家顾客希望在周末安装家具。你不能漏装了某些部件,否则他星期一就不能搬到新办公室去。”
TMS和WMS运行在HP的Unix服务器上。它们连接在两套为两个不同的家具市场提供服务的订购输入、制造计划和运送系统上。一个系统使用IBM大型机系统,另一个使用运行Oracle客户机/服务器数据库的HP Unix系统。Haworth利用eGate Integrator将这两个系统上的应用连接起来。eGate是加州Monrovia市SeeBeyond Technology公司提供的企业应用集成工具。它在应用之间传送顾客订单、货运计划和货运通知。
Moon说,由于这些由Haworth 通过收购继承而来的异构应用的原因,SeeBeyond中间件非常重要。“它真是棒极了。我们发现在你需要的任何地方——aan、Oracle、遗留系统以及许多其他一起工作的系统——接入到那个黑盒子中的能力是取得成功的关键。它使我们可以比开发所有这些单个接口更快地前进。”
另一个关键中间件是来自佛罗里达州Fort Lauderdale 市Citrix Systems 公司的MetaFrame虚拟用户接口软件。该中间件使Haworth可将大部分TMS客户程序从远程配送中心迁移到密歇根的一台中央Citrix服务器上,从而释放网络带宽,简化软件分发的工作。信息系统应用设计经理Brian Kovatch说: “返回TMS的数据量过去相当大,假如我们必须连接本地桌面系统,这会增加网络流量。”由于系统没有进行定制,而且Manugistics 一年向现场派遣两位全职咨询员,所以TMS项目进行得十分顺利。
WMS的问题则要多一点。Kovatch说:“就WMS而言,出现了一些性能问题,我们的数据库管理员与Irista公司人员密切合作帮助他们了解哪里存在缺陷。”他说: Haworth的人员帮助Irista调整一些编写的不太合适的SQL语句。他补充说: “这家厂商不习惯我们的流量和对响应时间的要求。”WMS每天处理17500左右的事务处理。
项目经理Tim Boak说,Haworth也曾考虑购买Optum公司和Provia Software公司的仓库管理产品,但是由于“功能和Irista与我们合作的原因”,公司继续选择了Irista。
Haworth业务应用流程经理、IT与供应链之间的关键联络员Jim Rohrer说,新系统不仅优化了业务流程,它们还从根本上改变了它们。他说:“配送中心过去习惯于从标签或屏幕上得到信息,然后决定利用信息做什么,然后再汇报他们所做的工作。我把这叫做‘路标’系统。”Rohrer解释说,现在它更像是“指挥”系统。他补充说:“TMS制定计划,然后传送给WMS,而WMS说:‘这是要干的工作,这是你的任务清单。’这大大减少了新雇员进入角色的时间。”
高级项目领导人John Stewart说,尽管许多软件厂商都提供供应链系统,但只有少数软件包具有优化能力:即评估大量的订单、运输公司和路线组合并提出最低费用的选择的能力。Haworth分析研究了五家公司,然后将范围缩小到Manugistics、Optum和i2 Technologies。Stewart说,公司最后选择了Manugistics,原因是由于其“很好的口碑和产品特性”。他指出,无需进行任何修改,TMS就能够满足Haworth的复杂需求。
运费和仓库劳动力成本的减少是最容易评估的新系统带来的好处,但Haworth还看到了其他回报。TMS通过电子数据交换或Web,向运输公司发出“竞争货运业务的投标请求”,然后自动接收投标。这个过程过去需要打两次电话。交货服务中心监理Lydia Knowles说,而现在,如果在规定时间没有收到答复,系统将自动联系另一家运输公司。
Knowles说,TMS以更微妙的方式改进了客户服务。她指出:“TMS带来的主要好处之一是公司内部的专业知识与顾客需要之间的联系。我们的因果意识大大提高了。”事实上,后勤主管Joseph Bardowski说: “可见性和优化同样重要。”他说,系统带来的所有好处中有40%可以归结为像预测更长期的货运安排能力以及从系统中得到以前得不到的性能指标的能力等一些东西。(译自《CIO》)

图 Haworth的仓储与运输自动化系统

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层

Sinotrans Limited Selects Manugistics' Transportation Management Solutions

Rockville, Md., United States, Friday, February 04, 2005 -- (Business Wire India) -- Manugistics Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:MANU), a leading global provider of demand-driven supply chain management solutions, announced Thursday that Sinotrans Limited, one of China's leading logistics companies, has selected Manugistics' NetWORKS Routing solution including transportation management, reporting and freight pay capabilities to help Sinotrans become one of China's leading Third-Party Logistics (3PLs) providers.
Sinotrans chose Manugistics in November 2004 to help streamline their business operations and develop a new business model and market. Currently, Manugistics is working with Sinotrans to centralize the company's transportation and logistics platform to enable centralized transportation planning, execution and monitoring processes. Sinotrans aims to utilize the transportation management system (TMS) solution to improve its logistics service level and develop a new business model which differentiates itself from competitors.
"In our business, an integrated information technology (IT) system is vital to our business development and continuous improvement capabilities," said Bo Zhou, General Manager of Logistics Development Department, Sinotrans Limited. "With Manugistics, we are able to streamline our business processes and upgrade our logistics management capabilities by leveraging their deep domain expertise and best practices in the software industry to deliver greater value to our customers."
In addition to supplying Sintorans with its NetWORKS Routing solution, Manugistics will also design a transportation-based optimization solution and a system design specification. Together, these solutions will provide Sinotrans the ability to monitor and manage planning and event information, receive alerts of any potential problems across the trading network, plan and execute fleet operations - all while seamlessly integrating the company's internal data.
"Today's marketplace demands technology solutions that can work seamlessly through every link in the global supply chain," said Manugistics President for the Asia Pacific (ASPI.BO, news) Region, Ken Wallett. "We look at Sinotrans not as a client, but rather as a strategic partner. With this partnership, our goal is to help Sinotrans and its customers become more efficient with their transportation needs."
About Sinotrans
Sinotrans Limited is a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with China National Foreign Trade Transportation ("Group&quot

Corporation ("Sinotrans Group Company&quot

as its sole promoter. The Company was listed successfully on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on February 13, 2003. It is China's leading logistics company boasting an unmatched domestic network comprising 42 subsidiaries and over 1000 domestic affiliated companies. It has eight representative offices and 20 companies abroad offering forwarding and integrated logistics service to customers worldwide.
About Manugistics Group, Inc.
Manugistics powers the demand-driven supply chain. Today, more than 1,200 clients trust Manugistics to help them drive profitable growth, unlock the value of their existing IT investments, and ensure the security and integrity of their global supply chains. Its clients include industry leaders such as AT&T, BMW, Boeing, Cingular, Circuit City, Coca-Cola Bottling, Delta Air Lines, DHL, Diageo, DuPont, Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Marriott, McCormick, Nestle, Nissan, RadioShack, Sanmina-SCI and Unilever. For more information, go to www.manugistics.com.
This announcement contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that include, continuing weak demand for supply chain management software, the ability of the Company to effectively align its cost structure with revenues, and unintended adverse effects of the Company's recent restructuring and cost containment initiatives. More information about factors that potentially could affect Manugistics' financial results is included in Manugistics filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended February 29, 2004 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended November 30, 2004. Manugistics assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking information contained on this announcement.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层

Sinotrans Limited Selects Manugistics' Transportation Management Solutions

Rockville, Md., United States, Friday, February 04, 2005 -- (Business Wire India) -- Manugistics Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:MANU), a leading global provider of demand-driven supply chain management solutions, announced Thursday that Sinotrans Limited, one of China's leading logistics companies, has selected Manugistics' NetWORKS Routing solution including transportation management, reporting and freight pay capabilities to help Sinotrans become one of China's leading Third-Party Logistics (3PLs) providers.
Sinotrans chose Manugistics in November 2004 to help streamline their business operations and develop a new business model and market. Currently, Manugistics is working with Sinotrans to centralize the company's transportation and logistics platform to enable centralized transportation planning, execution and monitoring processes. Sinotrans aims to utilize the transportation management system (TMS) solution to improve its logistics service level and develop a new business model which differentiates itself from competitors.
"In our business, an integrated information technology (IT) system is vital to our business development and continuous improvement capabilities," said Bo Zhou, General Manager of Logistics Development Department, Sinotrans Limited. "With Manugistics, we are able to streamline our business processes and upgrade our logistics management capabilities by leveraging their deep domain expertise and best practices in the software industry to deliver greater value to our customers."
In addition to supplying Sintorans with its NetWORKS Routing solution, Manugistics will also design a transportation-based optimization solution and a system design specification. Together, these solutions will provide Sinotrans the ability to monitor and manage planning and event information, receive alerts of any potential problems across the trading network, plan and execute fleet operations - all while seamlessly integrating the company's internal data.
"Today's marketplace demands technology solutions that can work seamlessly through every link in the global supply chain," said Manugistics President for the Asia Pacific (ASPI.BO, news) Region, Ken Wallett. "We look at Sinotrans not as a client, but rather as a strategic partner. With this partnership, our goal is to help Sinotrans and its customers become more efficient with their transportation needs."
About Sinotrans
Sinotrans Limited is a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with China National Foreign Trade Transportation ("Group&quot

Corporation ("Sinotrans Group Company&quot

as its sole promoter. The Company was listed successfully on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on February 13, 2003. It is China's leading logistics company boasting an unmatched domestic network comprising 42 subsidiaries and over 1000 domestic affiliated companies. It has eight representative offices and 20 companies abroad offering forwarding and integrated logistics service to customers worldwide.
About Manugistics Group, Inc.
Manugistics powers the demand-driven supply chain. Today, more than 1,200 clients trust Manugistics to help them drive profitable growth, unlock the value of their existing IT investments, and ensure the security and integrity of their global supply chains. Its clients include industry leaders such as AT&T, BMW, Boeing, Cingular, Circuit City, Coca-Cola Bottling, Delta Air Lines, DHL, Diageo, DuPont, Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Marriott, McCormick, Nestle, Nissan, RadioShack, Sanmina-SCI and Unilever. For more information, go to www.manugistics.com.
This announcement contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that include, continuing weak demand for supply chain management software, the ability of the Company to effectively align its cost structure with revenues, and unintended adverse effects of the Company's recent restructuring and cost containment initiatives. More information about factors that potentially could affect Manugistics' financial results is included in Manugistics filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended February 29, 2004 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended November 30, 2004. Manugistics assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking information contained on this announcement.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 nickpeer 发布
[B]最近公司上TMS系统,虽然我能将现公司的业务描述清楚,但是,我想尽可能多的在系统里加入今后公司的业务模式。但是,我没有一套好的TMS资料。想请问哪位前辈有这方面的资料或者心得能让小弟拜读;或者介绍一个好的TMS系统,让我自己去理解也可以。谢谢了! [/B]


使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
我的MSN:[email protected]
email: [email protected]

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
you must have a clear goal,then you can choice the product can meet your vision.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2005-10-30 17:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for your advice! But I need to do a solution about the TMS, which has the both functions! Could you give some advice?

使用道具 举报

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