RubyMine 5.4.2 发布

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RubyMine 是一个全新的为Ruby 和 Rails开发者准备的 IDE (非开源且收费),RubyMine由 JetBrains 开发(JetBrains最著名的产品之一就是Java IDE:IntellJ IDEA了!)。RubyMine是建立在IntellJ IDEA平台之上,提供所有必须的IDE功能,比如编辑,调试工具,源代码控制集成,代码自动提示完成,以及其他功能。专门为ruby打造的功能有基于 GUI 支持的 RSpec 和 Test::Unit。
RubyMine 5.4.2 发布了,该版本主要修复如下 bug:
RUBY-13535 — RubyMotion code completion with named arguments not working properly
RUBY-13593 — Association members are not shown in diagram
RUBY-13151 — "Gem command" configuration does not store working directory setting
RUBY-13509 — Error launching Rails server after 4.0.0.pre update
RUBY-13525 — Code analysis failed with exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
RUBY-13528 — Can't run specs from test root
RUBY-13545 — Capistrano task fails due to incorrect arguments handling
RUBY-13559 — Parsing errors in Puppet files
RUBY-13561 — Trailing semicolon handled incorrectly
RUBY-13562 — Mixed list of classes and resources handled incorrectly
RUBY-13564 — Cannot find RSpec runner script - RubyMine 5.4
RUBY-13582 — inspect cannot find $PROGRAM_NAME
RUBY-13623 — NullPointerException during GotoDeclaration


使用道具 举报

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1 Intelligent Ruby Editor with completion, code snippets and automatic refactorings
2 On-the-fly code analysis throughout the project tree with type inference and quick-fixes
3 Rails Models Diagram, Rails Project View and other specialized project/file views for faster overview & navigation
4 RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, MiniTest & Test::Unit coding assistance and GUI-based test runner
5 iOS development with RubyMotion
6 Web Development with all Ruby on Rails framework versions from 2.x to 3.x
7 Cutting-edge Ruby development stack support: Bundler, RVM, rbenv, pik, etc.
8 HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing with auto completion and refactorings. Plus CoffeeScript, HAML, SASS, and LESS
9 Zen coding snippets for productive HTML/CSS authoring
10 JavaScript/CoffeeScript debugger based on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
11 Ruby Debugger: Ruby/Rails applications and tests debugging in a easy-to-use interface even in Windows
12 Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and CVS integration with a unified UI
13 Diff, merge, history views and changelists for every supported VCS
14 Bundled Textmate, NetBeans, Eclipse & Emacs keyboard schemes, plus Vi/Vim emulation plugin
15 Runs on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2014-2-19 11:55:14 | 显示全部楼层

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