键值存储系统Cassandra v2.1版发布

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Installing Cassandra Locally
This document aims to provide a few easy to follow steps to take the first-time user from installation, to running single node Cassandra, and overview to configure multinode cluster. Cassandra is meant to run on a cluster of nodes, but will run equally well on a single machine. This is a handy way of getting familiar with the software while avoiding the complexities of a larger system.
Step 0: Prerequisites and Connecting to the Community
Cassandra requires the most stable version of Java 7 you can deploy, preferably the Oracle/Sun JVM. Cassandra also runs on OpenJDK and the IBM JVM. Because Cassandra requires Java 7, it will NOT run on JRockit.
The best way to ensure you always have up to date information on the project, releases, stability, bugs, and features is to subscribe to the users mailing list (subscription required) and participate in the #cassandra channel on IRC.
Step 1: Download Cassandra
Download links for the latest stable release can always be found on the website.
Users of Debian or Debian-based derivatives can install the latest stable release in package form, see DebianPackaging for details.

Users of RPM-based distributions can get packages from Datastax.
If you are interested in building Cassandra from source, please refer to How to Build page.
For more details about misc builds, please refer to Cassandra versions and builds page.
Step 2: Basic Configuration
The Cassandra configuration files can be found in the conf directory of binary and source distributions. If you have installed Cassandra from a deb or rpm package, the configuration files will be located in /etc/cassandra.
Step 2.1: Directories Used by Cassandra
If you've installed Cassandra with a deb or rpm package, the directories that Cassandra will use should already be created an have the correct permissions. Otherwise, you will want to check the following config settings from conf/cassandra.yaml: data_file_directories (/var/lib/cassandra/data), commitlog_directory (/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog), and saved_caches_directory (/var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches). Make sure these directories exist and can be written to.
By default, Cassandra will write its logs in /var/log/cassandra/. Make sure this directory exists and is writeable, or change this line in conf/log4j-server.properies:
Note that in Cassandra 2.1+, the logger in use is logback, so change this logging directory in your conf/logback.xml file such as:
JVM-level settings such as heap size can be set in conf/cassandra-env.sh.


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下载: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer ... a-2.0.10-bin.tar.gz

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千问 | 2014-2-19 11:55:14 | 显示全部楼层
apache-cassandra-2.1.0-src.tar.gz[PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]apache-cassandra-2.0.10-src.tar.gz [PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]apache-cassandra-1.2.18-src.tar.gz [PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]

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