Docker 1.8.0版发布

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Docker 1.8.0 正式发布,更新内容如下:
Trusted pull, push and build, disabled by default
Make tar layers deterministic between registries
Don't allow deleting the image of running containers
Check if a tag name to load is a valid digest
Allow one character repository names
Add a more accurate error description for invalid tag name
Make build cache ignore mtime
Add support for DOCKER_CONFIG/--config to specify config file dir
Add --type flagfor docker inspect command
Add formatting options to docker ps with --format
Replace docker -d with new subcommand docker daemon
Zsh completion updates and improvements
Add some missing events to bash completion
Support daemon urls with base paths in docker -H
Validate status= filter to docker ps
Display when a container is in --net=host in docker ps
Extend docker inspect to export image metadata related to graph driver
Restore --default-gateway{,-v6} daemon options
Add missing unpublished ports in docker ps
Allow duration strings in docker events as --since/--until
Expose more mounts information in docker inspect


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Add new Fluentd logging driver
Allow docker import to load from local files
Add logging driver for GELF via UDP
Allow to copy files from host to containers with docker cp
Promote volume drivers from experimental to master
Add rollover log driver, and --log-driver-opts flag
Add memory swappiness tuning options
Remove cgroup read-only flag when privileged
Make /proc, /sys, & /dev readonly for readonly containers
Add cgroup bind mount by default
Overlay: Export metadata for container and image in docker inspect
Devicemapper: external device activation
Devicemapper: Compare uuid of base device on startup
Remove RC4 from the list of registry cipher suites
Add syslog-facility option
LXC execdriver compatibility with recent LXC versions
Mark LXC execriver as deprecated (to be removed with the migration to runc)
Separate plugin sockets and specs locations
Allow TLS connections to plugins

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Bug 修复
Add missing 'Names' field to /containers/json API output
Make docker rmi --dangling safe when pulling
Devicemapper: Change default basesize to 100G
Go Scheduler issue with sync.Mutex and gcc
Fix issue where Search API endpoint would panic due to empty AuthConfig
Set image canonical names correctly
Check dockerinit only if lxc driver is used
Fix ulimit usage of nproc
Always attach STDIN if -i,--interactive is specified
Show error messages when saving container state fails
Fixed incorrect assumption on --bridge=none treated as disable network
Check for invalid port specifications in host configuration
Fix endpoint leave failure for --net=host mode
Fix goroutine leak in the stats API if the container is not running
Check for apparmor file before reading it
Fix DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY being ignored
Set umask to the default on startup
Correct the message of pause and unpause a non-running container
Adjust disallowed CpuShares in container creation
ZFS: correctly apply selinux context
Display empty string instead ofwhen IP opt is nil
docker kill returns error when container is not running
Fix COPY/ADD quoted/json form
Fix goroutine leak on logs -f with no output
Remove panic in nat package on invalid hostport
Fix container linking in Fedora 22
Fix error caused using default gateways outside of the allocated range
Format times in inspect command with a template as RFC3339Nano
Make registry client to accept 2xx and 3xx http status responses as successful
Fix race issue that caused the daemon to crash with certain layer downloads failed in a specific order.
Fix error when the docker ps format was not valid.
Remove redundant ip forward check.
Fix issue trying to push images to repository mirrors.
Fix error cleaning up network entrypoints when there is an initialization issue.

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Ubuntu/Debian: curl -sSL | sh
Linux 64bit binary:
Darwin/OSX 64bit client binary:
Darwin/OSX 32bit client binary:
Linux 64bit tgz:
Windows 64bit client binary:
Windows 32bit client binary:

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