
查看11 | 回复4 | 2019-8-20 18:07:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
螺钉与螺栓有明确的专业名词术语,有明确的区分,不应随意称谓。 螺钉与螺栓的归类有100多项国家标准,仅螺钉的标准就有92项,标准太多,不方便记忆,不一一列出,但有规律可循,可以这样简单区分:凡是圆头和螺纹杆构成的紧固件称为螺钉。其须使用起子和六角工具来拧紧,如开槽圆柱头螺钉、开槽沉头螺钉、十字槽沉头螺钉、内六角圆柱头螺钉、内六角沉头螺钉等等;没有圆头的各种紧定螺钉;各种定位螺钉、不脱出螺钉、轴位螺钉;各种滚花螺钉(带滚花就不用工具拧紧);还有木螺钉和自攻螺钉等等。带六角头、方头和螺纹杆的紧固件称为螺栓。没有六角头但两头带螺纹中间为光杆的称为双头螺栓(双头螺柱)、浑身都是螺纹的称螺杆,此外还有沉头方颈螺栓、T形槽用螺栓、地脚螺栓、U形螺栓。螺栓的拧紧器具为扭矩扳手、开口尺寸不变的各种形状的固定扳手、开口尺寸可变的活动扳手,液压紧配螺栓则需要液压泵等附件。简而言之:用起子和六角工具拧紧的紧固件是螺钉,用扳手拧紧的紧固件是螺栓。 注意:不能按公称直径大小和长短来区分。例如一根M48长300mm的圆柱头紧固件,GB/70.1-2008标准将其定义为内六角圆柱头螺钉,不是螺栓。

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千问 | 2019-8-20 18:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
说法比较多,仅供参考:一、有无螺母(本人及多数人观点)螺钉一般是直接上在某件工件上,螺栓一般和螺母配合,做连接与紧固。二、受力方式(某资料定义)1、工具在圆周旋动的是螺栓,2、工具在圆心旋动的是螺钉,3、不能使用工具旋动的是螺柱。三、look(英文的定义)螺栓(bolt)定义是:headed fasteners having external threads that meet an exacting, uniform bolt thread specification (such as M, MJ, UN, UNR, and UNJ) such that they can accept a nontapered nut(螺母).螺钉(screw)的定义是:Screws are defined as headed, externally-threaded fasteners that do not meet the above definition of bolts.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2019-8-20 18:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
screw 最好别用 这个词。。。 在美式俚语里 screw = fxxk

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2019-8-20 18:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
螺栓螺母麻烦采纳,谢谢!我也遇到了同样的疑问。给大家参考下我们的做法(日期2019-8-8)。我们这边是因为需要报关和开发票,英文中文还是要对应下。国外客户用的是bolt,中文翻译为螺栓, 但是工厂说这个叫螺钉。产品见下图。根据楼上回答,我又查了wikipedia,主要还是看做什么用,连接用是bolt。根据对照,我们这边国外发票还是bolt, 增值税专用发票用螺钉。

以下内容来源: wikipediaBolts vs. screwsMain article: Screw § Differentiation between bolt and screwBolted joint in vertical sectionScrew jointThe distinction between a bolt and a screw is commonly misunderstood.[citation needed] There are several practical differences, but most have some degree of overlap between bolts and screws.The defining distinction, per Machinery's Handbook,[2] is in their intended purpose: Bolts are for the assembly of two unthreaded components, with the aid of a nut. Screws in contrast are used in components which contain their own thread, and the screw may even cut its own internal thread into them. Many threaded fasteners can be described as either screws or bolts, depending on how they are used.Bolts are often used to make a bolted joint. This is a combination of the nut applying an axial clamping force and also the shank of the bolt acting as a dowel, pinning the joint against sideways shear forces. For this reason, many bolts have a plain unthreaded shank (called the grip length) as this makes for a better, stronger dowel. The presence of the unthreaded shank has often been given as characteristic of bolts vs. screws,[3] but this is incidental to its use, rather than defining.The unthreaded grip length should be chosen carefully, to be around the same length as the thickness of the material and washers through which the bolt passes. An overly long unthreaded length prevents the nut from being tightened down correctly. An insufficient unthreaded length results in the threads extending into the hole, and places the dowel shear load onto the threads, which may cause fretting wear on the hole. No more than two turns of the thread should be within the hole.[4]Where a fastener forms its own thread in the component being fastened, it is called a screw.[2] This is most obviously so when the thread is tapered (i.e. traditional wood screws), precluding the use of a nut,[2] or when a sheet metal screw or other thread-forming screw is used.A screw must always be turned to assemble the joint. Many bolts are held fixed in place during assembly, either by a tool or by a design of non-rotating bolt, such as a carriage bolt, and only the corresponding nut is turned.[2]

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千问 | 2019-8-20 18:07:53 | 显示全部楼层

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