
查看11 | 回复1 | 2006-9-30 22:31:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Classmates should get on well with each other .2.Though it is the first time he has been to China, he loves the country quickly.3.The UN plays a very important part in the international relations .4.I was very be potty aboutthe football for a time .5.The students ought to make good use of their spare time. 6.She looks older than she is , for ten years of hard work.7.Even if the life is very difficult , he doesn't give up his dream.8.Sometimes, the youth feel that it is very difficult to communicate with their parents.9.Tom works hard to earn enough money to buy a new car.10.Nowadays, the foreigners learning Chinese are more than ever before.

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千问 | 2006-9-30 22:31:47 | 显示全部楼层
1.An amity of the classmate get along with2.Although this is his first time to go to China to come,he is in love with this nation very quickly. 3.United Nations plays to emphasize an important person color in the international relations. 4.Have ever there is once, I am very infatuated with football. 5.Student's door is a good like to make use of empty remaining time. 6.Because the hard work of the decade, she have a liking for to bigger and a lot of than her age. 7.Even living very difficult, he doesn't give up his dream. 8.Sometimes, the teenager feel they get up with the man parents' exchanges very difficult.,The 9. TOMs work hard is in the future to earn enough many money to buy a new car. 10.Learn the foreigner of Chinese to compare now former all many at any time.

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