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查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-9-3 11:11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
先看看要得不哈,Frequent fights the past few days. I'm really at a loss. A lot of things a lot of things. Do not know how to do a. I well love you. But we will still continue to quarrel. I just want to like a child. Get your favor. I would like to rely on you, do not you do not understand Mody. Your password answer actually is her birthday, I just want you to calmly changed. I would like would be replaced by any one unhappy. See Yao. No other meaning. You think too much or am I thinking too much? Love. Just hope that you fully belongs to me.

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千问 | 2009-9-3 11:11:38 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2009-9-3 11:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
recently we fight frequentlyI lost my headThere are lots of things that i don't know how to do . I love you very much, but we still have argued with each other.I just want to be a child and get your favor, I want to rely on you,don't you know?you use her birthday to be your password, i just calmly want you change it.I think no one would be happy if they were me. do you understand it? just it,nothing else.do you think much or me?my love, i hope you only belong to me

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千问 | 2009-9-3 11:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
I fought freqently these daysI am at a loss
so many things,so manyI don't know how to doI love you so muchbut we still quarrel sometimesI hope I was just a child,soI can get your favorI hope to rely on you,don't you understandunexpectly your code is her birthday I just calmly hope you change it change to a code that everyone would never be happydo you understand? I have no other meaningIs that you are thinking too much or it's me my loverI just hope you belongs to me completely呵呵,写完了。顺便问一下你倒数第三行没写错吧?

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