
查看11 | 回复3 | 2006-12-7 18:51:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 The British winter sometimes have snow2 What kind would the weather be? 3 She certainly Be playing, impossibly Be reading a book4 The sheep takes grass as to livinged5 This what girl get sick is fierce, the life is close upon death6 Future one fine day I may go to England7 Want to snowinged probably8 Go to Peking February, probably? 9 That stage play displayed toward the audience 1898-1945 year the condition of China10 The attendant carries the vegetables to the customer in front, selling to the Chinese food of customer delicacy

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千问 | 2006-12-7 18:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
1.British sometimes snowy winter 2.The weather might be like?3.She must play, and can not read4.Living sheep to grasslands 5.This disease is very fierce girls, in critical condition 6.I may some day visit to Britain 7.There may be snow 8.Beijing in February, it is possible?9.The drama to show the status of China from 1898 to 1945 10.Attendants vegetables husband customers before offering delicious Chinese food 以上是google翻译的

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千问 | 2006-12-7 18:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
1 英国冬季有时会有雪 2 天气会是什么样? 3 她一定在玩,不可能在看书 4 羊以草为生 5 这个女孩病的很厉害,生命垂危 6 将来有一天我可能会去英国 7 有可能要下雪 8 2月去北京,有可能吗? 9 该话剧向观众展示了1898年至1945年中国的状况 10 服务员将菜端到顾客面前,卖给顾客美味的中国食物 1
English winter sometimes can have the snow
What types can 2 weather be? 3she certain is playing, is impossible to read 4Yang takecao as lives 5this girls get sick are very fierce, life critically ill 6future one day me possibly to be able to go to England 7has the possibility to have to snow
82 months go to Beijing, have the possibility? 9this modern drama has demonstrated from 1898 to the audience
1945China's condition 10 service people the vegetable end to the customer in frontof,
sold to the customer delicacy Chinese food

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千问 | 2006-12-7 18:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
Englian has already began to snow in October.

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